The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

l'lHiiiifSi 604 Help Wanted Mala 606 Help Wanted. Female 612 Positions Wanted, 701 Household Goods 702 Appliances 702 Appliances 702 Appliances 708 Musical Instruments CAPITAL JOUSKAL, Salem, Ore, Oct. 23, 1971, Sec Pist 27 2 KENMORE matching "washer ARE YOU A BORED HOUSEWIFE? WASHERS and dryers, $25. $35, $45. Ranges.

$35 and up. 816 Lancaster Dr. NE. 581-4562 Dir. EXPERIENCED man with chain saws, desires work in Salem FURNITURE MFG.

Now in locations to better serve you. FURNITURE 1915 Commercial NE NOW STORE NO. I 3790 Silverton Rd. NE EXPANSION SALE! New Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners and Sewing Machines MUST BE SOLD PRICES START AT $9.95 ORGANS SALESMAN INDUSTRIAL" NEED TO. MAKE MORE MONEY? MADE CERTAIN YOU'LL MAKE MORE! $12 000 GUARANTEED DRAW 1230.77 PAID WEEKLY NEARLY new Dortable deluxe heavy duty dishwasher with cutting board top, 74y-ztui.

KENMORE wringer washer. Like new. $40. Call 363-0907. 700 Merchandise Display FREIGHT SALE Hide-a-bed 18LB Dryera Console Stereo i Comp.

Stereo 4. 3 Pc. Table Set a. Lamps Chest of Drawers i. Recliner Chairs a.

Colored TV Port. Port. Dishwasher a I' Stereo a. Many many more items. Easy terms, low down Warehouse hours 5PM to 9PM Weekdays 9 to 9 Fri.

9 to 6 Sat. 12 to 6 Sun. Adams Salvage across from Coop Silverton Sudtell's 3915 SILVERTON RD. and dryer, 3-cycle washer, automatic filter. Excellent condi tion.

ISO. 363-2713. 30" Hotpoint electric range $75. 363-0325. KENMORE dryer automatic in crate, $110.

363-5411). 700 Merchandise Display DAMAGE Auction 363-6098 364-4522 ir Auctioneer Suggested Price NOW $239 99 $249 $120 $169 88 $179 79 69 19 $29 9 39 14 89 49 $349 $229 49 $29 $749 $2S9 it Monday, Oct. 25th, 7:30 Lots Lots of New Used Furniture B. J.

Fox, Auctioneer The Friendly Auction Everyone Welcome Because of demand, we now carry complete home furnishings are now taking orders for reupholstering. Lowest prices in Oregon sb-ubsy Used RCA 21" COLOR TV BEAUTIFUL WALNUT CABINET $150 WITH TRADE SID'S FURNITURE 3080 Portland Rd. 585-1238 Discount Furniture ARRIVING DAILY. New sofas. chairs, hide-a-beds, dinettes, lamps, recliners, etc Remember REAL discount prices.

METROPOLITAN DISCOUNT FURNITURE Corner Court Commercial and 340 Court. tit*rtryirwT mwirTTir oatit Several brand new models to choose from. Prices start from only $39.88. HOUSE OF BARGAINS, Brooks 585-4562 FOR SALE Daveno chair rocker. Cheap.

3355 Abrams Ave. NE. 581-3297. 11x11 BLUE shag carpeting pad- ueu, lucu mooias. too.

Doi 0544. EARLY American Rocking Love- seat, excellent condition, siou, 581-0968. 7 PC Heavy maple dining sets ziy.uu uien wooarys loos Sum mer St. NE LIGHT your home, a new lamp from Glen Woodrys. 1605 Sum mer st.

n. SMALL green and white dinette set with 4 chairs, used 8 months, $75. 881-9872. RELAX in a new chair, from Glen Woodrys 1605 N. Summer 700 Merchandise Display Bring vt your plans for complete free detailed estimate of any building need.

LARGE STOCK OF LUMBER Alto pressure treated stock American Galv. Steel Reefing and siding $11.95 sq. Bird 3 tab roofing, 15 year bond $1195 Plastic and galv. plumbing. Hot Point Appliances Texture 1-11 siding shop, $3.75 Sanded and sheathing plywood.

V2x4x48 Fiberboard sheathing 14x4x8 No. 1 shop Birch, 5 beautfiul prefinished coolrs $3.10 14x4x8 shop prints, 4 colors $2.50 Ceiling til tq. ft. 10c Vinyl asbestos 12x12 fleer tile 18c Wood and alum, windows and -doors. Nsrdahl pocket door frames.

$19.95 Self storing temp, glass pre-hung storm doers $29.95 Pabco Paints. Open I to 5:30 5897 Trail Ave. N.E. 364-0161 1 Mile N. Keiser and Santism B1dg.

Supply Lebanon, 358-8157 zrrsoNs BUn.DtNGSUPPUES it Eastside Auction SUNDAY, OCT. 24th MISC. SALE 10 A.M.; 1 P.M. WE HAVE MOVED TO NEW LOCATION 4744 CENTER NE Good selection of new and near new furn. American of Martins Ville dining set with table.

8 chairs, buffet and server; new basset dining set with hutch: Spanish bdr. set: solid oak bdr. set: oak bunk beds; maple bookcase bunk beds; chest of drawers; desks; dinette sets; king, queen or twin mattresses; blue velvet Spanish sofa and love seat; champagne velvet sofa and love seat: prints and solid colors in sofa and chair sets; round maple table with 6 chairs. Color TV's; atereos, ranges, washer and dryers. Area, 983-8433 Or 363-8673.

616 Employment Agencies 23 SUCCESSFUL YEARS IN SALEM SECRETARY to $510 snta fast type 2 vn exo SECRETARY $4004- type ga wng compose letters PROCUTION TYPIST $400 fast accurate type meeting notes TYPIST $400 reiocate exc. benefits Urgent! GENERAL OFFICE $390 keep records AP-AR 10 key phones BOOKEEPER $500 full cycle experience ACCOUNTANT $590 3 yrs data pro exp spvs exp ACCTBKKPR $400 F-C tax exp able to meet public CASHIER $290 variety busy job KEY PUNCH $360 3 yrs. exp necessary POWER MACHINE OPB $320 exp pleating, cutting fabrics PA" GEN OFFICE hr 1.75 accurate type file A-R gd math AGENCY MGR $10,800 ins exn ore staff A- on offir-e CONTROLLER $10,000 acctg Dkga aggressive exec talents FOREMAN $9,000 must have shfDninfr exn LOAN OFFICER $9000 Dank exp mort. loan, escrow ASST MGR $7,200 nuance or creail exp MGMT ASSISTANT $7,200 sales, purcfi, spvs, exp read prints SALES $9,000 agri-chem fert know local area SALES REP. $7,200 outside sales exp prof lob SALES REP.

$6,000 hdware exp inside outside sales STRUCT DRAFTSMAN to $11,000 struct draft exD decree STRUCT ENG $8,400 degree will train if able app FOREMAN to $9,000 eanzdriu one wsovs exn EXTRUDER OPE $9,000 plastic alum extrusion exn OFFSET PRESSMAN $9,700 4 color process exp necessary JOURNEY MACHINEST $10,000 turret lathe, rad. drill exp MANY OTHER LISTINGS REGISTER TODAY 692 HIGH NE 585-6156 Ohmart Calaba Realty Bldg. HAPPY See You Tuesday 494 State Oregon Bldg. OVER 550 OFFICES COAST TO COAST Employment 161 High St. SE Suite No.

122 362-0636 NEW JOB OPENINGS DAILY REGISTER TODAY 1 618 Education KEYPUNCH TRAINING Train Now For Jobs In Only 13 Weeks Also Courses in Computers Drafting Accounting CALL 362-3697 TODAY! Computer Programming Center 4723 Liberty Road.S. Approved for veteran training TRAIN NOW! CLASSES NOW FORMING MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Nationwide placement assistance 15 week training period t) Small day or evening classes CAREER TRAINING CENTER 465 Ferry St. Salem, Ore. MOTEL-RESORT MANAGERS NEEDED! 654-2788. We train.

Motels 1906 Monroe Port 97222. 7 701 Household Goods TURN top solid maple lamp table in exc. cond. 2 pair full length extra wide draperies, off white. 364-2884.

WASHER dryer. Lady Ken-more Model 1968. $250, e-year crib tc mattress. $15, Wonder Horse $5. 363-9677.

MAPLE table, $35. Antique chest of drawers and table, floor lamps, wringer washer. 581-1475. 400 oak chairs, $4 each. JACK TIPTON SALES 1225 Cross St.

SE 585-4470 MATCHING chest and vanity with mirror, $35. Apartment size gas stove, $20. 581-5034. DINING room table, 8 chairs, $85: $75; hutch, $40. 623-3607 Dallas.

CHEST freezer, older refrigerator, Norge washer-dryer, year old. Bedroom set, 713-Z3B3. FOR your home, beautiful 5 piece bedroom set, 75. 363-9816. 9-PIECE dining room set, $150.

2550 Hollywood Drive. 362-4380. COLONIAL chinas 149.00. New. Glen Woodrys 1605 N.

Summer 618 Education HOLIDAY Do you feel that your education is being wasted? World Book offers an unlimited opportunity tor personal ana financial reward. Excellent commissions. Full or part-time sales position. For interview call 364-8104 Monday between 9 A.M. 4c 7 P.M.

Beeline Fashions Has openings for managers and ing or delivery. Part time work. With full time pay. Commission. Phone and transporta-t i necessary.

363-4083, 363-0038. LOOKING for Christmas Angels wno want io nave tun at earn Christmas Dollars with Vlviane Woodard Cosmetics. Comm. Our Christmas Selling Season Degins fluw. tail 363-467 ir-tne Butler.


CARHOP and waitress, days or nignts, must De a Die to nanaie money, give change, Hourly wage. Apply in person Downtown Drive In, 850 High St. NE between 1FM-6PM. BEAUTICIANS Tak over following, immediate openings, salary commission, 362-9278 HELP! 22 women needed now. Free wardrobe every six months.

Commission work. Call Dianna, 581-2394 or Joyce, 581 9757. Beeline Fashions. NEED 1 full time LPN 11 to 7, 1 full time relief, hourly wage call between 9 AM to PM Mon. thru Frl.

585-4602. CLERK Typist for medical of fice, Salaried 8:30 to 5, bend resume to Box bob Statesman Journal. NEED reliable sitter, 4 days a week with own transportation, monthly wage. Please call 581- own. Nv-1 RN 5 davs a week Salem Nurs ing rlome.

Lignt duties, no medicare. Paid by shift. No Saturday calls, please, 364-5731. MATURE: babysitter housekeeper, live-in my country home. Salaried.

362-5271. TOP SALARY for housekeeper, references required. Write Box 967 Statesman-Journal. ADULT lady with car to live in and do light housework, monthly wage. 363-5088.

608 Pickers Wanted FILBERT pickers. Paying 5c lb 4 miles East of Lancaster. Out Silverton Rd. to 7208 Indigo NE. Excellent crop.

Haury. 362-2294 Eves. FILBERT pickers, out South River Rd. turn left Crosian Creek sign at gate. Chef I.

Nelson. FILBERT PICKERS WANTED NOW. 621 Hylo Rd, SE FILBERT pickers wanted. No sunaays. ib vtstn Ave.

inni. (off Silverton Rd.) 612 Positions Wanted, Male ACCOUNTANT Private or CPA: Recent OSU Grad. l'i years experience CPA firm: Varied duties audit. Income and payroll tax. statements.

Statesman Journal Box 971. FIRST class Journeyman ma chinist needs work badly anywhere in area. Call 873-6201 Silverton. Excellent qualifications. 614 Positions Wanted, Female DESIRE accounting position with CPA, 20 years experience all phases accounting taxes.

Excellent references. Reply to Statesman Journal Box 972. DESIRE accounting position with CPA, zu years experience au phases accounting taxes. Excellent references. Reply to Statesmon Journal Box 972.

616 Employment Agencies 25 Years of Silver Service OREGON'S LARGEST InrneAMMIl a SERVICE fc Your Home-Owned Agency CHECK THE DIFFERENCES Copy you Contract Always Free Coffee Park in Front FREEjTALENT CHECKUP Better Terms, Services, etc. Greater Coverage Vrnfaccinnallv VaH 441 Union NE 581-8906 SELECTED OFFICE Promising opportunities with many extras: apply today. SECTY, personnel, sh $400 5.SXTimortg loan helps $425 ESCROW SECTY, no sh $3604-LEGAL SECTY to $500 INS SECTY, casualty exp S400 LEGAL, train no sh $350 TYPIST, night owl $3654 TYPIST, gen ofc exp doe $350 TYPIST, learn offset to $400 rnrruc A. A r-rwrrMTS Many choices wvarlety, line fringes, future, security ACCOUNTANT, 2 yrs. col $625 recent exposure EDP TAB OPERATOR, Burroughs $400 BKKPR, audit cashAR $400 BKKPR.

Cashier.forms $390 POST MACH, retail $350 TELLER, exp req. $360 SPECIALISTS -k Key in with training know-how or experience for these: ESCROW CLOSER, exp $500 SALES, furnishings draw exp or train wbackground DENTAL ASST open fm $300 KEYPUNCH, exp req $360 CREDIT. collections $350 -k SALES MGMNT. TECH. -k OUTSIDE SALES, local $1000 Prev insti-ind exp req FUTURE MGR, ofc exp $500 Learn all-shop-sales-ofe.

LOAN OFCR. credit exp to $700 DEPT MGR, retail to $700 Some previous retail exp req ADMINISTRATOR, exp $800 Attitude determination keys SALES, printing co. comm Est. acctnts; 'aggressive des. MANY' OTHERS Also Albany.

903 E. 9th 926-5593 EXEC SEARCH DIV 581-8906 618 Education HIGH MONTHLY COMMIS SIONS Right from the itart you'll cave a substantial base income. Our salesman's earnings, even now, axe just great. We'll show you at your Interview how much more they make. And you can too with us.

We've tried to set-up an ideal selling combination one that helpe you really build a substantial, lasting income. Such benefits as our profit sharing program, special incentives and other fringes boost your earnings. Our products are highly regarded. We manufacture and sell a large, diversified industrial line used by almost every business establishment, institution and municipality. Heavy demand for them requires us to add to our sales force now.

We'll give you intensive training to make certain you get started right. When you're in the field you'll receive full cooperation on special order and strategy needs. If you have successfully sold tangibles and nave experiences in first call closings, we would like to talk to you. A knowledge of demonstrating would be a plus. You must be able to buiid lasting associations with customers through repeat visits.

You ahould be married, have a stable personal and job background and own a late model car. Some overnight travel required; home every weekend. Local Interviews will be held week of Nov. 7 Need to make more money? Write Mr. Jack Dempsey, Director of Sales Personnel KEM MFG.

CORP. Kern International Building Tucker, Georgia 30084 Real Estate Salesman Wide open opportunity for farm and acreage oriented sales-man or farm associate broker. Paid oy comm. Call Joe Harding 873-5839 Silverton CERTIFIED REALTY CO. BRANCH OFFICE 319 MOLALLA AVE.

MOLALLA ORE. 829-2348 PORTLAND, 227-3034 LEADS! LEADS! LEADS! SALESMAN to contact Home Study prospects. Plenty of HUBiuiea Plan, Hospitalization and Life Insurance. Monthly and quarterly bonuses. Many of our men earn excellent commissions.

Must have good car and desire to make a good income. Contact Vaughn Stephens by calling 503-581-7231. 606 Help Wanted, Female MOTHER WITH CAR HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN, the award winning monthly children's publication, needs a community representative with regular part-time hours to sell renewal customers and new customers and requesting call. Qualified leads furnished. Earnings start immediately.

Every home with $4.00 means an order. Monthly bonus and security program. Comm. Write Mr. Robert Pepper, Area Manager.

Box 468, Kenmore, Wash. 98023. Indicate past sales experience, and phone number. LEGAL TYPIST No Fee Salary Open Exceptional opportunity to be earning while learning, become a legal assistant. Employer will pay expenses and assist to para-professional status.

Attitude, typing skill and appearance count. Apply in person with resume at Acme Personnel Service, 441 Union NE, Salem 581-8906. SECRETARY (full time) Polk Ciunty Juvenile Department. Needed skills; typing, filing, shorthand desirable; duties include, preparation of court orders, maintaining Intake log. assist in Circuit Court, general administrative duties.

Salary Appl room 13, Polk County court House or call Dallas 623-8171 ext. 70 (or 838-0580, 363-2353). What do you want for Christmas? You can have it. Just become an Avon Representative. Earnings pile up quickly because everyone appreciates the ease and convenience of shopping the Avon wav.

Comm. Call Now: Marie Simpson, 363-4877 HOSTESS for fast moving Coffee tnop needed, we need a dependable, qualified, honest per son that we can work with. If you have been a waitress in the past and are a responsible person, please send us a resume. We start at an hourly wage, send resume to fatates-man-Journal Box 962. Viviane Woodard Cosmetic's WANT to raise the family In come? Start a small business of your own, part or full time from your home.

Free training in proiessionai maxe-up teen-niques. 362-3254 or 585-7384, Charlotte Robertson. OLDER woman to do light housekeeping ana De com' Danlon to elderly lady, in coun try home. Board and room and small wage. No smoker or drinker, prefer one who has transportation.

748-3653 or 749- ZMO. EXPERIENCED cook. 5 to 6 hours daily. 8 days week, hour ly wage, Call or report for interview. Plaza Coffee Shop Grill, 2269 Country Club Road.

Woodburn. 981-9011. BOOKKEEPER few Real Estate office, please send resume salary desired to Box 869 Statesman Journal. NEED lady to care for elderly couple days, hourly wage, 364-4141. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, board room plus wages, 585-8148.

HOUSEKEEPER, live in, adults, salaried. 363-9738 618 Education BANKAMERICARD WELCOME 713 t-Hobbie October SALES On Used Motors 1969 18 HP. EVtNRUDE $395 1B58 50 HP. EVINRUDE $225 i 1964 60 HP. EVTNRtfDE $395 1958 60 HP.

MERCURY $195 J969 18 HP. EVINRUDE $385 i 1965 5 HP. EVINRUDE $139 1957 40 HP. MERCERY $135 1970 40 HP. ELEC.

MERCURY $695 1971 20 HP. MERCURY $440 1959 50 HP. JOHNSON $195 1958 10 HP. JOHNSON $35 OVER 50 Used Engines TO CHOOSE FROM! FUN city; BOATS MOTORS Next to Holland Trailer Sales Hwy. 34 between freeway Cor- vauis 926-5874 BUY SELL TRADE AUTHORIZED "BROWNING" DEALERSHIP, ANDERSON'S Ml COMMUCIAL ILL SAIiN 363 5534 REMINGTON 742 caliber 280, excellent elk gun.

Remington 22 pump. Remington 62-250 with Redfield 6 power scope. 363- 0001. HUNTERS For the finest in Taxidermy, over 20 years of proiessionai experience, rea sonable prices. Robertson Taxi dermy, 926-6661 Albany.

U.S. DIVERS wet suit, mens size small thick, rocket fins, hood, side view mask; all like new, iiuu. wooaourn Htra-sein. 10x14 WALL tent, steel center poie, adjustable uprignt, usea twice. Cost $89, sell.

$50. 749- ZbOl local. DUCK and Goose Hunting avail- aoie xor season, ijrooa location, 15 miles south of Salem. 1-344- 8852. Duck Hunting Available $250 for Wednesday, Saturday or sunaay, aas-iBsa or saa-mii.

1971 NEW Riviera Side-Winder 123H Evinrude motor, trailer less than 6 hours, new $3800 now $a0D5 362-3002. 716 Bicycles 10-5-3-l-SPEED bicyles, Salem Bike Co. 860 High St. NE. New Sales- Repairs, Parts.

BOY'S 10-speed Raleigh, bicycle, $75. 364-7608. 720 Building-hom*o Improvomonts NOW OPEN WE ARE NEW BOONE ROAD PLYWOOD 1125 Boone Road S.E. Phone 362-8744 Salem, Oregon One block West of South com' i a 1 Street, Use Boone ttoaa entrance. AC SANDED EXTERIOR SHOP 4x8 Exterior $2.75, $3.50, Vz" $5-25; $6.00 -Texture 1-11 Exterior Siding: 4x7 Shop.

4x8, 4x8 Shop. 4x8, $5.50, 4x10, $8.00 (in four inch, eight inch and 12-inch patterns) Good Sanded 2nd: 4x8 Exterior glue $3.50 CPX Plywood Sheathing, 4x8, on grade, Vt" $5.50 LARGE STOCK of V' and 8 to 10-ft. hard ply stock for shelves and cup-ups. SHOP GRADE CDX 4x8 V' 4.5ol ROUGH SHEATHING 2nds and Blows; Fir- some Cedar: 4x8, 4x9. Vi- 4x8, 'V 4x8, $3.00 CASH AND CARRY ONLY OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM i mMK AND SHOP All ftems and prices subject to stock on nana.

NORTH LANCASTER DR. YARD 4347 Lancaster Drive N.E. 7 Phone 363-80SH 1 Salem, Oregon Cash and CarryL Open Mon-Sat. PLYWOOD i RO.VGH TextUre: Tl-11. i Bluing, -it paiiern, premium, select and shop grades, 8, 9, 10 ft.

lengths from $4.50 up. Seconds texture Tl-11 $3.25. Rough vari sawn 303 siding 4x8 $4.80: Sanded seconds 4 8 $1.0, $2.00, $2.50, V' 13.00, $3.50 exterior. 4x10' sanded seconds $3.25, Si" $3.50, $4.30. Shop and gracing, sheathing Va'V V.

any amount. i SPECIAL PARTJCAL BoarS: No. 1 4x8 'VL shnn I i 45cH" Hardboard 4x8 r. Pecan vinyl paneling 4X8' 3-16" premium grade. 4X' sand ed interior seconds: Birch plywood, sanded both sides, 2x4s, 7, 8, 10, 12' 4x4's 6, 7, 8, 10 cedar posts Wejdwood glue nails.

1545 Commercial I Ph. 581-8415 Downtown Store 233 Commercial NE Phone 585-flf)13 OLD Growth Fir Ltiber com plete Mock, call forijricei I PLYWOOD-, i Sanded 2cs 4x8 2.75 300 3.30 1 In. 5.00 Plywood sheating. rough 4x8Ji'.i z. uo 2.50 aT 3.ou eacn VT-11 4x8 2.00 I.

t-lltaS 3.25 TED LEO MULLEHf Salem-Independence Road i Salem 364-0583 Fiberglass Shipment Flat Corrugated, reg.i un- gurd, loc 23C pen sq. it. All colors and configurations. A beautiful eye catching cover. Quality Filon.

i CAPITAL GARGAIN HOUSE Salem. Ore. 363-766. EEO A NEW Call 363-4141 for frfc-ndlv free estimates on LENNOX furnaces. 4 CLOSE-OUT 45 of 4 pre-Onished 1 1 l(2)ream 726 Do-lt-Yourself SPECIAL fresh eggs.

Extra large ou cents, large ceius, medium 35 cents, rabbits, ducks, stewing hens, Martin's Egg Ranch. 4620 Sunnyview Rd NE, 362-7312. Want Ads Brine Quick Results Dial 364-6811 and ask lor Clari fied. 728 Antiques ANTIQUE restoring, repair, re- finish, any problem solvea on your furniture. Antiques for sale.

581-8284, 355 Columbia NE. OLD tools and old things, Saturday At Sunday 9 a.m. 'tit 5 p.m. 4150 Hudson Ave. KE.

36-0701. VARIETY Pattern Glass, on lamps, cruets, art and cut glass. Dodd's Antiques, Dundee, Oregon. 729 Stamps A Coins COINS Stamps for collectors bought sold. Salem Stamp Si Coin Shop, 427 Ferry, 3t2-0981.

730 For Salo Miscellaneous 1971 SINGER Only 3 months old, everything Dulit-in. zig tags, Duiionnoies, blind hems, decorative designs etc. cash price $51.50, terms available, trades acceptable. For free home trial call 363-5072 Dir. 31" FRIGIDAIRE Stove, green.

removable oven, $14a, well built davenport $25. beds, 4 year old P.O.E. Pony gekHng. good with children. 364-4503 evenings or weekends.

Sturdy smooth unfin furniture Lowest prices on nite stands Chests desks storage shelves Bookcase China Cab Toy Chest Stools Boston Rocker Gun Cabs Mikll a 8 671 La ncaste PROJECTOR 16 MM sound, $1000 watt light, 10 watt amp. exc, $85, girls 3 spd bike Hir-ise nice, $35, 1955-58 Chev radiator exc. $15, accoustic guliar $75, 364-1494. aft. 8 p.m.

MAPLE Spindle double bedstead, springs; G. E. Steam mangle, girls slie 12-14 winter coal, 3 dresses, 3 suits, 1 blond wigs, 581-2803 after 6PM. BROWNISH Black Coney fur, satined lined coat, has been stored, good condition, reason-ble. 362-6605.

USED cash registers, adding machines $25 and up. Kay Typewriter 429 Court 685-4024. AS IS Where is, 1960 IHC Trave-lall. $600! Large 2-year-old -fo-tospader, $150. 891 Orchard St.

N. NEED A NEW Call 363-4141 for friendly free estimates on LENNOX furnaces. ARMCHAIR small crib, single mattress. Spark oil heater, encyclopedia readeri digest books. 362-7395.

MINK stole like new. natural ranch, cape style. $200, 363- 3365. FOR SALE: German bicycle, baby carriage, iron bed, carpet, baby clothes. Call 3 PC Spanish bedroom sets rom uy.uu wnerer oien Woodrys Furniture Mkt.

DON'T-be cold this winter, old tashioned patch work quilts. Dacron filled. 363-0447. NEW USED POOL TABLES TRADES TERMS 1262 State 362-9037 BIG sofa Loveseat sale Save Now. Glen Woodrys 180S Summer St.

N. BESTLINE 364-4665 EXCELLENT used recliners From 39.00 Woodrys 1605 N. Summer Ph. 363-5110 WALL furnace and large oil tank 40. ur zs eacn.

5B1-I814. COMMERCIAL drafting table 38x60, metal Cabinets. 585-9353. 733 Wanted Miscellaneous GOOD oil heater, prefer Spark or Siegler, good wood heater, lazy boy or good easy chair, 581-1475. WE buy antiques, dental gold, clocks, watcnes, 01a jewelry, glass, china, miscellaneous.

362-824 3. NEED FURNITURE, appliances ic misc. Cash, no. checks, day or night. 585-8436.

CASH for washer, dryer, ranges, ireezers, working or not, no junk. Dir. 363-8493. Want Ads Bring Quick Result Let Them Help Youl 740 Fuel and Heating LOG ENDS Split or un-spUt, approximate 3 cora ioaa. u-naui or delivery.

Industries, Monmouth 838-2149. NEED A NEW FURNACE? Call 363-4141 for friendly free estimates on LENNOX fur-: naces. 2 FT. SPLIT dry cedar, fireplace wood $18 'I, cord. 362-9945 between 4-8 p.m.

SHAVINGS DRY For livestock bedding. Also mulching. 581-3807. DRY MILL ENDS 585-9729. days.

362-6515 from 6pm-8pm. HIGHWAY FUEL Sawdust, wood barkdust, 363- 6444; OAK, maple, alder wood, cut to order. Shavings, sawdust, bark-dust and hog fuel. 364-1210. PRESTO LOGS Delivered fir II.

Haul 362 0331; 2555 25th St. SB OAK wood for sale, delivered. 581-3200 752 Livestock and Feed COLUMBIA Basin aUafa. new cutting. Delivered.

Bob WU-liamb. (509 582-7202 Kenne- wick, Vashington. 3-YEAR-OLD Sorrel quarter horse Gelding, green bioKe with large saddle, bridle. $250. 303-0030.

REGISTERED 5 year old 'k Arabian Gelding for experienced rider, year old Roan $125. 362-3002. 8-year-old grade Welsh mare. 13 nanas 4-H tratned, gentle but peppy. $250, 362-7354.

REGISTERED APPALOOSA Mare, blue papered, 7 year old. $300. 363-8805. NEW and used horse trailers. Holiday Mobile Homes, Albany, 928-5561.

REGISTERED Appaloosa 17 months old, gentle, good looking, $300. Woodburn 881-0458. 1 2 ArtAB are. spirited, pretty and gentle, $250, Nashville 456-4180. mare inn wriNrB cTr.Q $12.50 each.

After 5 p'm. or weencnas. wooaourn. fcwi-tf034. WELCH mare, 3 years old.

bred. wun saaoie. onaie complete. $165. 364-2744.

York Weaner Pigs 363 1309 MARE AND TOT.T Quarter horse type, $100 cas I4J-4Z1M. REGISTERED Mares and McKillop's. Arabian Horse-, fillies. 363-79 STALL pasture for rent. t35, 362-2958.

WEANER pies. $11.50 take U. 1 12.50 one, pa lias 623-863Q. BAY mare tarokT gentle! good kids' horse. 585-8885.

lBMUMJllll.UllL-iajmiJllg).)mLLIl..LI FOR HOME-STUDIO-CHURCH Wiltsey-Weathers Music, Inc. CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Salem, Ore. 364-S674 PROFESSIONAL MODEL OR GAN, with 25 pedals. Leslie Speaker, percussion, sustain, ect. Excellent deal to party desiring the finest, Will Trade.

Tallman Piano Organ Warehouse, Center at Commercial, open Mon, Fri, eves. Sun 1-5. 710 Office Suppflw MULTILITHS, 1250 1000 mod. els. Days 364-4401 ext.

17. Weekends 364-0623. UNDERWOOD typewriter, lightweight, nearly new. $40. 362-0916.

712 Household Goods Wanted WE BUY AND SELL USED FURNITURE TVs and APPLIANCES SID'S FURNITURE 3080 Portland Rd. 585-1238 WE NEED FURN. Misc. 4: Appliances Dir. INSTANT CASH Ouick Service 24 hrs.


MANY MANY MORE GREAT BOAT BUYS AT- CASCADE MERC'S NEW BOAT LAND OREGON'S BIGGEST BOAT CENTER 4490 RIVER RD. NO. SALEM SHANE'S MARINE Fall Clearance Sale NEW BAYLINERS 17' Outboard $995 16' Inboard Outboard 120 HP $2695 18' 120 HP $2995 19' 120 HP $3295 24' 215 HP $4995 15' Trl $995 Mirro's from $99 Hobie Cats 16 $1495 SHANE'S Marine Recreation LOUIE'S BOATS MOTORS Hiway 20, North Albany 926-5563 Open 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Daily Sunday 12 noon to 6 P.M.

SEE THE NEW '72 18-Ft Sidewinder 455 Cubic Inch Jet Drive Exclusive At 735 Edgewater St. NW 581-0111 SOFT PINE CARVING BLOCKS Finish Hardwoods 1x2 1x4 1x8 4'. 6'. 8' lengths Picture Frame Mitering Smalt Custom Millwnrk inhs Complete decoupage supplies inci. special cut Doard sizes tto order) BANK CHGE.

CARDS HONORED McCormick Lbr. Millwork 485 Wallace Rd. NW Ph. 363-1696 WE BUY SELL USED GUNS wj Tranchiaed Browning Dealer fegSJ. STORES.

IMC 3185 Market NE 581-2543 TOP CASH Oft USID GUNS CASCADE MERC 1130 Bread way N.E. 31-3531 80 SUZUKI. 50 Hariey. glass 5 pee a ooat; zu rine. wun scope $95 each, 363-6660 evenings.

35' COMMERCIAL fishing boat 12x17 living area. $12,000. See at Taylor's Moorage. 30-06 SPRINGFIELD. custom c*nt, sling, jeweled bolt.

$90. 838-3089 Monmouth. 14FT. Rogue Drift boat, glass bottom, oars. $225.

4077 Beverly NE. "-i-V" JJ HMII.IKnillyiill mm- 455 COURT N.E. 585-7771 OCTOBER SPECIAL $10 Trade in on your old Washer, ijryer, nange iteirig. (Regardless of Condition) for a reconditioned appliance. MAJOR APPLIANCE SERV.

3081 Portland Rd REPOSSESSED Apartment-Size REFRIGERATORS Like New, $99 MASTER SERVICE CENTER Foot of Center St. Bridge CARPET Used. S1.00 sa. vd. up.

New small remnants sq. ya. new large rem' nants $2.98 sq. yd. 2700 front St.

N. Open to 5 Mon. thru bat. KENMORE dishwasher, three years old, good condition, t)5 or will take trade of eoual val ue. Call after 8 p.m.

873-4056 silverton. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Authorized Service White and Elna CAPITAL VACUUM SERVICE Next to Pietro's 364-3356 Used Appliances Delivered Guaranteed A.R.C. AddI. Refr. Center 2350 State St.

362-4196 703 Garage Sales GRANT FLEA MARKET TRASH to treasures, Dec. 3rd 4th and Sth, Portland Exposi tion Center Over 1 million Aoh lars In new-used-surplus mer chandize. Reserve your space now. 232-6337 Portland. new gift items, cut potted flowers, clotmng con tinuine indefinitely.

Off San- tiam Hwy. at Silver Falls exit. mues top tne mil. nouie aox 4YSI-A Aumsviue. aw 0161.

RUMMAGE sale inside, house' hold goods, clothes, built-in stove, oven, miscellaneous. 1405 E. Monmouth, on curve. B38-i4ue. EVERY evening exerciser: pic xures; games: aisnes; ciuuung, books; rototiiler; lawn edger; tools; large music drum; Items too numerous to men' tion.

363-5446. OCT. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 9 a.m. washer, dryer, mower, russ bike, chairs, lots of miscella neous. Arrny clothes.

2430 Ma pie Ave. NE. GIGANTIC neighborhood garage sale, 10 to 6, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 487 Menlo Dr. Keizer, Bikes, 10 speed, tools. toys, something for everyone.

SAT. tc SUN. (movine): miscel laneous household garden items. Some furniture. 417 Dearborn Ave.

N. (Keizer) West off River Road. 585-9931. GARAGE SALE, household items, clothing. Sun.

Mon. Tue 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 1040 Church SATURDAY Sunday. Stove, drver.

vacuum cleaner, table. numerous articles. 3594 Pi oneer Dr. SE. DISHES, furniture, bicycles.

cioininr oiner misc. aai. Monday 10-5 p.m. 1170 Clearview Dr. NE.

MOVING sale Sat. Sun. stove vacuum," coffee table, toaster, many other household items, 2955 Park Ave. NE. 362-0181.

GARAGE Sale: Clothes, furni ture, misc. items, Jan Ree Gardens, 4269 Ward Drive (Week-ends and evenings). MOVING to mobile home, must eliminate many good items, including dishwasher, 2 dining sets. 870 St. NE.

585-2764. SALEM FLEA MARKET Open evKry Saturday fc Sunday. State alrgrounas. 363-1114. 1135 ST.

N.E. MISCELLANEOUS items, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 706 TV, Radio, Stereo New 23" COLOR TV DELUXE CONSOLE $389 with trade SID'S FURNITURE 3080 Portland Rd. 585-1238 USED Curtis Mathis TV black white console. Very good condition.

Maple cabinet, perfect condition. $150. U-haul. Phone 981-0005 Woolburn. USED color black white TV sale, all reconditioned.

Capitol TV Service, 3882 State 581-4047. G.E. portable BW TV. ADDC 12 volt with adapter. line lor car or camper.

S45. $650 MAGNAVOX stereo in pe can mediterranean console lor $250. 581-2059. RECONDITIONED TVs For sale or rent. Huett TV 4071 Liberty Rd.

SE 581-2505. 708 Musical Instruments DESIRABLES Perfect A100 Hammond Organ SAVE $1100! Wal. Baldwin 54A organ used 1 year, looks new $895. Pre-war 45" Wm. Knabe concert console piano, classic period design burl wal. Made when this was a top quality piano, fine condition only $795! Hurry! New Maestro mini electronic piano only $449. STONE'S, 2217 State SMALL GRAND PIANO, good conouion at nmsn, ai low, low, price. Special terms. Salem's Best Grand Buy.

Tallman Piano Organ Warerouse, Center at Commercial, open Mon, Fri. Eves, Sun 1-5. USED WURLITZER SPINET PIANO, Excellent condition now only $450. Tallman Piano Organ Warehouse, Center at Commercial, open Mon, Fri. Eves, Sun 1-5.

USED HAMMOND ORGAN. Like new only S395. Lath-Terms-Trade. Tallman Piano-Organ Warehouse. Center at Commercial, open Mon.

Fri eves. Sun 1-5. ACCORDIAN, piano, organ, guitar. Why spend years learning. Piano tuning.

Ac-cordlan Sale. 581-2850. CONSOLE Electric organ. A-l shape. 34 key.

Call 894-2547 Otis. $100. FINE used clarinets $75 and $85. New eiec. guitar case, half list.

STONE'S, 2217 State. Fun Maker Wurlitzer organs COME SEE HEAR Ic PLAY Mitchell's 1286 State 363-7577 73 WATT amplifier, $75. 11-month-old combo organ and amp, $200. 581-6823. KING (C'eveland) Trumpet with case.

Excellent condition. 363-4397. Cmobell style Ovation Guitar, make offer. 581-7222 or 363-1082. LUOWIG drum set.

evmbals included. $375. 581-1092. SYSTEM Borcher, 364-3422 COLOR TUNING PUSH ONE PARTS. TUBING sutdmslicslly brightness Tuning.

It helps Channelt, or the certs to another. no batter color Tuning. Com in to from JUST I TUBE LDjtt.l COMPONENT 1 YEAR IN Replaceable 1 ON PICTURE HOME SERVICE. 7 Modal Walnut 23" balances bus, contrast, Intensity, avsn acltvatss th Automatic Fins luns In ptclurs even when you switch station Chang the plcturt from on Compars beloro you buy there's tuning system than tnsta-Metlc Color and push button! 11 do Iht work of five control. Quasar WUKMTJWA "ors In drmwar' COLOR TV 53995 Tf6 Genuine rtmprt5 I hfj'dboard with prmtetf i Genuine Mmiwrtd ht'dboard with prmtetf ONLY grain finish.

picture (mMfturfd dtifiemilly). plug In BRIGHT PICTURE TUBE Not only do you gwt reliability and tunlne) convenience, but a bright, sharp picture See it compare the picture, you kxp MINI-CIRCUITS DepcrKlabla solid state mini-circuits rsptse li but 4 chassis tubs. If replies mnt vtr ntetfetf, cm be dont Kt minulsft, in i ly in Ins horns. lighted Chsnrwi Numbers Slide Lever Color Conlrott Variable Tone Control Putt-Push OnOfl Control MOTOROLA Quasar Portable COLOR TV with Insta-Matie color tuning Rod Cart Included. Lighted Channel Indicators.

Replaceable mini-circuits. Solid State except tor -5 chassis tubes. Many fine Motorola features. wat nut gram nmsn on polystyrene, 369 95 Only teotorois. OPEN SUNDAYS 12 NOON TO 6 P.M.

WP572 TRAIN NOW! don't fcwy a color TV until you've seen a demonstration ot Insta-Matie color tuning 1 RECEPTIONIST ttm furniture carpeting appliances Small day evening classes taught by R.Ns Nationwide placement assistance Complete your training in 15 weeks it Student Financing Available CALL 581-3952 CAREER TRAINING CENTER 455 Ferry St j. Salem, Oregon OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 PM SOSO PORTLAND BOAD N.E. SALEM, OflESON B7303 PHONE E85-1238 wainui canine I panels 4.8o. "St.

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.