fl Wednesday, March 1t, UJJ 575 PETS, 560 575 PETS, 560 PERSONAL 545 535 565 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 705 CAREER AIDS 520 ANTIQUES-ARTS SUPPLIES ft SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES) HORSES, STOCK VIDEO I TELEVISION HOME FURNISHINGS looking for a maid? COMPUTERS itapi narkun tviiem. APT PONY Buckskin ttalllon-lOH. GOLDEN Ret. pupt, AKC, wki. AIRCDAL AKC pups.
Ch llreCh BIO SCREEN TV, 40' Pioneer. COUCH, large, comfortahlt, ROOO-Boulanier Original Pastel. "Girl with Ram" 11500. 40 1 BALDWIN Acrosonic Solnet tw uwifeiu.Mi-tmi Mint, pricei i sua. ab-4ua meg internal wcaririoan.
i riano. whiubuhy. wvnu good cond. $1Z5, 53Z-7647 pm COUCH Brown. Open! into Oliver 714-832-7069 I Cornell, Bokelmann Assoc job Hunting Professlonalg Call591-64O0 JOB HUNTING Barnard Hjinana Atsoe.
COLON Tv recent model, bed. BALDWIN Elec. Organ. Dblkybrd proven. Sjuu.
707-795-zu05 0.UARTER-C EW. Great wbe tinners smju, STARTED Show Pony. Great IMIUiai. aWU. tUB-4H4-AUU po Bought for 1700, will sell 0 415-541-5083 COMPAQ PORTABLE SUPERIOR STOVE.
GasWood-Burning, 4-burngr. 42'', 1350. oam. juu 4au. AIREDALE Calif.
Club-For Res cue Breed info. ti5-75-6i70 AIREDALES, AKC. whelped 1 si I ae. izuu ea. ti3-aJO-7fttj AKITA AKC pups-White, etc! pei cono, 83-i6Zj 150: SONY KX-2501A 27" wpedai.
Hit-in rnytnmotner Profeel Mateo573-54U0: W.Ct.945-07'rf; 5iZ3B0.6Wi-4z DESK lrg, solid It wood. chik jus styie wine, cond $140. 6Z5-3034msg cantna-izuz inMBharddlik. 11191 VASARELY Harlequin, deluxe, SysiemsShop. 243-9097 TB 16 H.
Mare 16 yrt. HJ. 3-day exc monitortuner, HIHH64-74Z4 TEKNIKA 13" Color TV features. t'M'80 334-3U49 COMPRESSOR Llimiter, Yama ha gc zuuh stereo or cnan. mono 60 days old $250 977-3611 DRUM SET, 13 pet, Ludwlg.
3 Zlld Cover letter, lifetime storagg, it, 13zu. sauu, aae-ajvu, or dressagt auper Mover. DESK Roll-top, computer, Solid interview coacning, we-jzuu VlCki 127-4451 6ZWWOO $Z5I)916-Z43-IJZ3 916-S47-4793 AKITA AKC Fpups-Pintobrndle cn lines txc lomptzau. ni-iui TV COLOR 19 in. Suoerb picture I IBM EVEREX SYSTEMS i Never unoersoiq.
tut-y t-7ai a oa lijuu. azwua DIN. tbl. w6 leaves, 1170 Victorian Mahoaanv Couch. SENIOR Executive Marketing TB geld-16-f handsome 7yr oldl cymoen wcasa, met.
boss or, High diamond tuck back. Mint i stn, carveo legs, ouri. neeoipi. AKITA AKC OFA Fpups-Sabln. pad.
1. ssau Wknq, ti-a snown successfully! piui oayeo; sauu. oy-Btr-aatja conomon. Z3uu, iir-tx APPLE HE 2 DD. monitor.
256K. teats. $475, Services. The Kinetics Group, 415-786-6966or714-752-2422 "STANLEY BARBER ASSOC, 1700Moriteomarv St. Ste2U cn lines, tzuu ie-344-iii DRUMS, pc.
Gretsch, while, Revision motnerooarq, mo ZJAWINSKA "Nightgamet" orig TB Gelding 3 yri. started under ITl n. ah DINING Rm Table wchrs, formal dk. 550 I STEREO EQUPMENT NOW IN STOCK serigrapn ttooo. umrgmea.
San Francisco $66-1439 I '100-. 111 TB Gelding, quiet, mannered, Victorian, superb! Paid $zjurj ASKingSirUU, DINING Table oval Italian oik lac 1st norse. 13. nanos, jumps, quer WS matcn. cnairs wm BtW 101 Matrix, Spica Angelut, Wilton watts, Martin-Logan People everywhere read the Classified We'll be glad to help you write your ad 515 fiJUMGE SALES FLEA MARKETS IF Moving Sal 754 31th Av, Sit aun v-j.
r-urn, ciotnes, toois. QE Frig sofa, books, slv, sofa duo. use element ai.iu-3 (F tools, pnote, music. March 19, 20.485CresllakeDr if. Sat 10-5.
ParnassusShrad- er, at Ot malann Cat Sun 9am-Spm, ESTATE SALE IF. Sal-Sun, March 10am-5. 810 Grove St. 19-20, SF: Gar Sale, 241 Montalvo (For SF: GargHouse sala. Vict, turn, P'IIIUB, WBntJfa, falVlMW, cv, 3(19-320, 10-Spm.
Everything must go! come to zau usn si. SF Garage Sale, (Ot Sanchez St, iter, typewriter, etc, sal, 10-3 SF, MOVING SALE, FURN. KIT, ITEMS, CLOTHES. SAT. 9-6).
3909IRVING ST. AT 40TM AVE, SF. Sal-Sun. Mutt sell fast. 2351 48th near Taravai SF TREASURES IN THE CEL LAR.
Sat Sun 1-4. Oil onus. china, cost, jewelry, old LP re cord); men citng, rion carot. uplttnnrHattie.isscoroeti SFWHSE SALE. DISCOUNTS! Exercise equipment.
Bikes, rnwert treads skit, waishts. Sat.Sun. 326-27. 665-7533 HEALTHS, FITNESS SYSTEMS 300 Moraga5t.al9thAve.5F SO.SF,Gar.MovlngSale.312tV J1 31 3ZU: luopm. or- gan, cutt.
sota, seascape, I much more. 2501 Donegal Ave. VAUIJO. Moving Sale: GE dlshwshr. (urn.
toys, vara hardware items. Mar. 20, 26 (,27, 8-3PM. 550 Inverness Dr. FOOTHILL COLLEGE FLEA 8am-3pm Hwy20EI Monte 948-6417 520 ANTIQUES-ARTS PUBLIC AUCTION BY SOMERSET LIQUIDATORS March 20th from 1 lam Preview from 10am 500 Items Including: Carved carousel Horses French Antique Furniture Chinese Antiques Coin Collections Russian, Turkish 4 Chinese Car pets 'Heirloom Jewelry Dolls, 10 BUYERS PREMIUM CHARGED ON ALL PURCHASES Checks accepted with Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.
Somerset Liquidators, San Jose (401-293-9191). ID, Alman, Auctioneers, Lie. 640,641,1001 HOLIDAY INN 1221 Chess Foster City ANTIQUES, Rugs Estate Auction March 19 "RUGS AUCTION FURNITURE i ANTIQUES 1PM Preview: Sat, March 19 We have been commissioned to sell at Public Auction fine furnishings rare collectibles. Estates of R. Antonino, J.
Mach 4. more. A combined Estate over 800 pes. home decors, more. For complete details, please read ad in mam news location: KU'S FURNITURE 6 East 4th Ave, San Mateo Hwy 101 off 3rd Ave, West Auc CSL912 1415)340-9896 CA94401 ANTIQUE SHOW SALE March 18, 19 20.
Noon-8pm 8, Sun. Noon-Jpm CIVIC CENTER GYM 150 East St. Benicia, CA For Benicia Historical Society Camel Barn Museum. ADM. $2.00.
This ad admits 1 or more inyourpartytor.75ea. LEGEND ANTIQUES For over 5 years, one of the East Bay's leading sources of fine quality European antiques. Our volume buying and low over- neaa save you BEFOREYOUBUY.VISITUS. 5427 Teleeraoh Ave. Oakland Wed-Sunll-5.
415-658-9123 PINE, Walnut. Oak, Mahogany QUITTING 80 Night tables. $29 uo. 110 ar moires $175 uo. 35 tables chairs $95 up.
20 dressing tables $135 up. Everything must be sold by March 31. Open 7 oays 6JJ Townseno mat. ANTIQUE DEALERS Regular shioments. Enelish fur niture at lowest prices.
Dres- sersrrom bu, sets ot 4 chairs $100. Wardrobes from $130. Worthing Antiques, 2956 fC Treat Concord. 6BZ-6422 vamagata: 2 ea. Liberty $9000 ea.
Snowflre $7000, framed. An American in Pans $3400. Aquarium $2900. Nego- uaoie. ru-r6J-S696 ANTIQUE Rolltoo desk, solid oak.
orig. finish, C1890? Leopold uesx Burlington, Iowa. $4200. Sparks, NV. 702-356-0169 DALI Madone De Raphael" orig, authoriz.
litho wf ull docs. -r- gallery ret. (1150B0. DEALER SPACES Avail, in the most estb'd collective in the east pay. lo.ooost, 228-8175 MARTINEZ ANTIQUE MART ERTE SALE 30 OFF of entire 14 Million collection thru St.
Pat's Day. DANVILLE HOTEL GALLERY 415-631-9606 MIRO lltno AP "Katalonien $2500 Remington bronze "Coming Through The Rye" OTSUKA Suite "THE KISS" mixed media, framed, no. 141300. $5Kpair prwuueacn.u7-BZ-uzB9 POPO 6 Rubv Lee framed orint. Signed 8.
numbered (Spring). Other POPO 4. Rube Lee prints originals avail. Jjx-Bbzz SELLING Fine Art Collection. Stobart, Walker, Gray, Bama, peweu, scott.
Dealers welcome. 415-522-0963; 351-8171 IMcCOY AUCTION CO. -AMER. EURO. ANTIOS Tues.
Auctions 793-9511 Newark ARMOIRE, $200; table 6- chairs, $325; wash stand, $175; desk, sziu; oeo, siau; ARMOIRE, beautiful carved Jdoor, Frencn walnut, oval mirror $4000ofr 386-6260 ART AUCTION, Prof, originals, $50 up, Fri, 3 16, 6pm, 1 1 1 1 juni-pero Serra 751-3331 BEDROOM Set. 4 pc. 1690't, Amer. Walnut 4. Burl, Marble, UOOO COnO.
SZZ3U OU 366-JJZU BEV OOLITTLES "Two Indian Pony's custom framed 62500. Call 474-6947, leave message. CHEMIAKIN 'Pavsaee Russe' IKhq, HC 2950. Framed. $2,250.
miz Must sen W-508 CHINESE STATUES, large 16th (5 carved wooo painted. COWBOY STATUE collection, (eronze) by Remington. Sacrifice JSOdea. Elmer 406-353-2328 EARLE. Serlgraphs.
"Spring" "Gothic Forest." Framed. $900each 431-6723 ERTE, Neiman, Others. Bought 6 sold. Free booklet "Selling Art-Various Options" 461-6909; ERTE, NEIMAN, GORMAN, VAMAGATA HOPPEg, Others. BaySellTrade.
368-2373 H0PPI. "Hollywood" $1200: "Ca- smo tuuu; "Revenge uu. All framed. 332-4014 KSfTH, Wm. 20x30 oil, moonlit ferett scene, gilt ram.
$2900 355-2002 LEROY NEIMAN SERIGRAPH "Diarr ond Head- Hawaii" $2000. 209-529-1190; 523-7677 807 BOX hi 1 Old. tZW 3Z6-i)Mj Z34-37U GREAT Pyrenees, AKCOFA tireopupt.S'UU.zi'V-tiJi-1734 HIMALAYAN klts-CFA Cream piuepn.K3u-z7a. jbt-zuar JAPANESE BOBTAIL lyr whiteF! $300. KEESHONO AKC ouos-Ch oolnt 916-665-0102 KERRY BLUE Terr-AKC dups.
anots. lew-ieoo zuyjftv-rzt KITTEN Darling orange Imo Morris-tvcxl nit A elawnt $20. SI Francla Soci- ety, 435-2097, 366-7643 KITTIN Dove-gray 7 mo teml LH tpyor. anois iu. txn-unj LAB AKC blk pups-DCh lines.
5hOtS. W50-J300, 707-557-1973 LAB AKC Chocolate pup. Ch lines, uu, yit-uj-jta eves LAB AKC choc pups-Snots, wormeq. mtj 7U7-44-oji jevs LAB. Black 1 vr.
Dure brad iwidi. Neeot good home 6, lots ot attention, vs. 1-H7B LAB mix-Darling 15mo neut M. uooo witn cnuaren, dogs cattl 'Burger' St Francis SOCieiy, 4 M-tVII JS8-7B43 LAB Pupg AKC Blk. Shots, wormed, oewciaws, 6350.
209-635-HH 415-771-3244 LAB Yellow mlx-llmo M. Jog- ger ret: art-e ju LAB, yellow M.212 yrs. $50. Nds lots ot aim a. exercise.
7Z6-6950 MACAW Military, 7 yrs. old, lame caee. aiuuu. Jj-uiw MAINE COON cats-yng Indoor MALTESE AKC QUALITY BRED cm alKto puppiesi Assorted ages. ju-jo, ib-71-1311 MALTESE AKC white tiny toy pups! 561-1614 MALTESE AKC Pups, Ch.
lire 1, oam, 4uu-izuu, az-y30 MANX kittent-Purebred whites, naert. owwa. tia. ao4-jeuu MASTIFF AKC er sire! 6600-1000 566-1374 MASTIFF AKC pups-12wkt. Ch tire.
66ro-iooo. 805-937-7402 MASTIFF AKC Pupi-Brlndle 6, fawn. 6600. 707-456-3495 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS Maiei, pedigreed. 6 wk.
old I oeauties. uooo ennoren pet, 1 fine breeders i watchdogs. I $275- $350. (916)623-6402 I NORWEGIAN ELKHD-AKC pups. Cn oam ZUU-33U 413-3By-0646 OLD ENGLISH-AKC pups.
Ch Sire. 130U. yi6-6ZZ-J633 PERSIAN Kittens, Reg. Silver nare uoroens, neaitn guar. 6300-5400terms.
916-541-0601 PERSIANS 1 chinchilla 1 blue M. 521-9999msg PIT BULL, 14 mos, PR Pedigr, it wk train. Meiiow, Loves peo- pie.cats. V3U. 4B-B34J POMERANIAN PUPS 3 gorgeous Maies, arc.
rteaoy j-zz-aa. $300. CALL (707)447-5136 POMERANIAN pup, 9 mo. AKC, uupu. Must sen, az-atau POMERANIAN pups reg.
Tiny wnite, 3uuea.casn. aae-ee POMERANIAN pups, AKC. Shots. 3UU-4UU, 413-ZZ8-Q144. POMMERIAN pup, 10 weeks old, saoie.
53UO. can z-5Z6, POODLE AKC Tiny pups. $175- 43, can divr, 916-389-0453 POODLE Mlnl-AKC 9mo M. Black 8. Apricot.
$150. 209-449-113 ROOOLE PUPS Standard-AKC apricot. Vet checked, shots. BeautltUI! OU. 413-j)3Q-9767 POODLE Std-AKC white puds.
Cn lines. Z30. Z09-Z39-3835 POODLE Std-AKC white pups. All SnOtS. 3UU.
634-34i POODLE Tov-AKC tlnv ouPDiei WQOraOie! 13U-4UU. 4SJ-313 POODLE Toys 8, tm. Mlnlt-AKC pups. COIOrS! 5300. POODLES T-CUPS TOYS.
All colors. San Jose 406-379-4852 POODLES. Tea Cub. Tov. Mini.
aooraoiei nnc. colors, tnois, ZUU-43U. 4UB-Z3-4BZI PUG AKC puppies-Quality show prospects! rawns, oiks, cn lines. $350-6400. 916-991-7175 PUGS 2 Black 6.
1 Fawn, AKC, juu eacn. can 1413)6Z3-36B3. RAT Terrier pups, UKC non- reg. $50-6125, 20936-2795 RHOO Ridgbk, mostly-2yr F.Gen- tie fawn 841-PAWS 6 I RHOD RIDGEBACK-AKC 2yr F. 5ZOOO.Q.
ZU8-931-Z3Z7 RHOO RIDGEBACK-AKC pups. Cn aD. 33U. 40B-68B-3B31 ROTTWEILER pups, AKC, OFA, oeautitui, large neaos. Must see to appreciate.
$500 $600. D16-9M-3613 ROTTWEILER AKCOFA Duos- cn sireorc lines, exc temp quality! tbUU.7U7-3ZB-7B14 ROTTWEILER 4 vrs. Sch. I. uooo Tamiiy oog.
uerman bloodline $4500. (408) 353-4973. ROTTWEILER AKCOFACERF uupa-anuw uiuapeiis: 11. iiv. I Guar.
897-3423 ROTTWEILER AKC pups-9wks. anots. vuu.3S3-zn pup SCHNAU2ER Min. Male, all shots, ears cropped, housebro- 5QLD FAST IN CLASSIFIED! SCHNAUZER, MINI Pups. 7 weeks, Arte, S3uu.
can eves WKndS, 707-642-937 SCHNAUZER Mini-AKC PUO- croppeo. za3. u-t44-joyz SCHNAUZERS, Mini, black. Top prooucing cnampion Lines. ctKF.
Reserve 916-777-5022 SCHNAUZERS (707)795-7070 SCOTTIE pups AKC, blk. exc. aua tv.cn nes. snots. 408-723-4821 SHELTIE.
AKC Male Pup. Show quality, aaotewm. izwks. I 6400.209-368-4814 SHELTIE AKCdmos, llmo sable F. Ch Sire.
$250. 916-644-5654 SHELTIE, AKC, sweet, elegant, reo, wm pup, juo, 7J-UB36. SHELTIE Peke puppy-Darling super-orignt lbwk f. snots. 533 at rancis 433-zua 3B8-B43 SHEPHERD Collie seeks country I nome.
Loveoi Z3 3b J-46b7 SHIH-TZU AKC blkwht PUDS. Z30-273. Can QOI SIBERIAN HUSKY; Male, 12 weeks, snots, good markings, graywnite witn oiue eyes. zu ll6.916-389-2551ext.216 SILKY TERR-AKC cute, noshed pups. Chime $300 707-667-1014 SOMALI exotic Mts-CFATICA.
arch sire, Shots. $300. 550-8318 SPRINGER Spaniels. Champ. AKC, 8 wks, 1 ferns, wshott.
SZUU J33-W03 SPRINGER Span, purebred, 12 WkS, "v6 SnOlS, l3, 348-4Z3 TIBETAN TERR-AKC pups. No 591-Z9Z3 WEIMARANER NorCal club-Info g.Rescue.635-3921,562-4087 WEST HIGHLAND. AKC Pupt Champ lines, shots, exc quality. 14S0 1600 4U8-7Z3-3193 WOLF HUSKY pups-Top quality siiverwnite oeautiest exc. temperament! Joyful intuitive companions! 5750.
864-3600 WOLF Hybrid pups-Yelloweyed o. WOLFOOGPUPS71-81 Animal Research paoen The best 13 vr. NoHuskv. YORKSHIRE TERRIERS: Tiny bundles of love. Male and remaie.
7 weeks 010. 400 eacn. 757-4667: after 6 and Weekends PUPPIES Mixed 3mo-Blk. fluffy: cream wtan eye paten, wm oe 40-5Qib. $75ea.
EBAR 841-PAWS ADOPT a well cared for dog from me st Franc is society. 535 uo. 435-2097386-7843 Closed Mon ANIMALS need homes! East Bai aii Davie! Animal Referral nan I uvv I I KOIiSES, STOCK I APPY Mare 16H, show English, wen ia-43-iz filly. 2 yeart. 15.1M.
Sorrel ureat oisposition. rteaoy to start. $1100. Ann, 36-0417 AQHA I Grade-Gentle plea- surehoi sesl $500 up, 887-1336 ARABIAN, papered 7 yr. old.
Well Broke. 516UUPO, 881-U634 ch. SF, 470 can 3932 BE 1 gd 720 SCHOOLS INSTRUCTION UNILEX COLLEGE YOUR CAREER and JOB-TRAINING CENTER. QUALIFY for JOBS In 12-24 weeks! CALL NOWI Paralegal Court Reporting, Exec. Legal Secty HotelRest.
Mgmt TVBroadcasting Secretary-WP Placement Assistance FINANCIAL AID Dav and Evenlne Classes FREE weekly seminars on YOUR ruT uke. in businessi come in TODAY and learn how to take charge of your life! 441-5700 I UNILEX COLLEGE S55Sutter-8F PROTECT YOUR FUTURE Come now and tat WHY MARINELL0 BEAUTICIAN HAIRSTYLISTS EARN MORE MONEY PAY ASYOU LEARN! 1 Come In person, for free descrip tive Marineno Booklet since 1905 "America's finest." MARINELLO SCHOOL OF BEAUTY 133 Powell St. SF 711-7065 Airlines Are Hiring! FAA Licensed MECHANICS! Excellent Pay Benefits FAA Approved Course-16Mos. Financial Aid. Next Class 44 SILRRA ACADEMY- Oakland Airport (415)566-6100 BARTENDING 1-2 WEEK CLASS.
DAY EVENING CLASSES. Job Placement Assistance. scnooiscoast tocoast. 495-3720 AMERICAN BARTENDERS SCHOOL 55 New Montgomery 1216, SF BANK TELLER Lowest Tuition In California Day evening classes FREE placement assistance Call A.U.I. NOW! 626-4844 1650 Mission St.
Suite 500B AIRLINE DISPATCH Earn FAA License In I Weeks Course in Airline Ooerations FINANCIAL AID. Next Class52 SltKHAACADtMT Oakland Airport (415) 568-6100 AIRLINE POSITIONS Major Airlines now hiring Flight Attendants, customer service, Ticket Agents, and Malnte- nance Positions. Salary to $32K per year, Call(303)238-2000. AIRLINEAIRPORT Ticket Agt TrainingJob Assist yveexeno classes in sfo Horizon Professional Services 405 Taylor St. (209)522-2727 TRAVEL AGENT SCHOOL New class April 25th.
'66 4 airline computers Vetsapp. SF School of Travel 414 Mason 956-5622 MEDICAL-DENTAL CAREERS Classes now NEC Bryman Campus 731 Market Street. S.F. CALL NOW 777-2500 ACADEMY OF TRAVEL Call Jan for FREE brochurt 4. counsellng.415-673-0822.
RADIO TELEVISION BAILIE School of Broadcast (415)541-0707 33 New Montgomery, SF 94105 PRECISION TRUCK SCHOOL 7700 Edgewater OaklandCA Llcense2697 638-7078 Golden Gate Bartending School 1015 LarKin St-SF 776-4787 Having a garage sale? People everywhere read uiassiTiea Marketplace We'll be glad to help you write your aa JOB TRAINING Security Officer Certified Nurses Aide Word Professing nnmraiterOrarsitor PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE Financial Aid Available (If Qualified) 777-5327 SOLTSWEST COLLEGE $67 Histion SL, San Fnnciaee DayEve Classes From 2-12 months 30 yrs. of Quality Training Financial Aid Fully accredited Placement Assistance Call For InfoBrochure power Toms wca.et,nonaro- ware. s5U.fcft4-4B43 GEMEINHARDT FLUTE Full featured, yrt oio. txc cono. Kouoestorr.tia-jti-ottj IMI GIBSON J-45 classic blues folk guitar.
Exc. cond, sweet tone $600B 0. 453-6159 HARPSICHORD. Dutch Klopp apinat. uak.
rfosewooo Keys. Exc. cond. $2500, 5Z4-6466 Eves. if'' 2 iJil'0 -J''-g: I ORGAN, Gulbranson Paragon, Draw bars, 2spd Leslie, fxe.
I vuiiujapvm-jj. cond. I PIANO, Kohler Campbell, exc cond upkeep quality, beaut. run tone, iiuau, firm jaa-Buae PIANO ANTIQUE, UPRIGHT, uaji rtKuu, uwu btyi im( PIANO. Yamaha Samofed Grand.
Clavlnova CLP 300. Bench. Mint cond, 61900. Michael 6ZZ-O703 PIANO Steinwav 1906 Vertl- grand. Must sell this wk.
$2000 tirm. Nds cosmetics, jzt-zwi RENT an amo. PA. auitar. orum DAT-wn-iviu rsronstein MUSIC, 363 Grand, SSF 586-2502 RENT-A-PIANO $25 per month.
Special this week mtt delivery, gienn jm-zuoo IttnialMn n.Ktl luelll I A Can. Moog Taurus 1 bass ped. $390i nwenne tar inn, ijv SULDf ASjINCLASSIMtD! ROLAND Jupiter 6 $650. Korg pay bi wcase Yin. Gioson auitar simi po.
zaa-17 37 SCNON Guitar. Black wF. Rose 1 HB.z 5c. S1000BO or trade tor tne ngnt strat. 70-zz4-3ui SERRAMONTE MUSIC CENTER 6th Annual Martin Guitar Show 994-2225 ibinwit toony urano.
hp- praiseo at Asking VINTAGE Vox Super Beatle Amp. iuu watts, ureat sound! wen kept. $450Ofr. 826-4824 We Buy Sell Used Equipment SPITZER MUSIC 775-1316 AN4TO.UE PIANO, rosewood SCrollWOrk, VICt, $475. 3B6-59Z5 BROADWOOD, London, 6' grand, beaut antique 61500, 441-6696 DRUM SET pearl grey, like new.
aft 4:30 CrTBir Diann Vnihi rDIC ex. cond. $850Of r. 707-576-0747 ENSONIQ ESCM expanded seq. memory.
aooz7Z-4i 37 FENDER Stratocaster, 1962 irem case, iizuu. jez-tzu7 FLUTE Gemeinhardt, silver, B- l-t, OM, EX.COn 4O0. 5QLD GIBSON 175ES iazzeultar. immac. twu.jBi-jsiz HAMMOND C3 Organ exc.
cond, WLeSlie, 63101). 4B3-3MZ KAWAI elec. Grand Piano. Excl. cond.
$1975. 341-6225 iv. msg. KNABE Giand Piano, circa 1925. Finecond' $4500, 916-753-9315 OBtRHEIM Xpander synthcase uorary.
4UB-3J-4Z4U ORGAN Conn. Prelude 350. Exc. cond. 5650 0d.
589-3868 eves. OVATION 12 string Elite acous- ticeiectrlc. $650. 707-745-9191 PIANO. Kimball Babv Grand.
$3500 best otter 567-5536 PIANO Upright, Beautiful, excl tone, tuneo. 63 BZ4-U3U PIANO. Kincaid Console. Exc. cond.
$looobest ofr. 641-1453 PIANO, Straube Console, A-l COnd! Must Sell! 7Z3. 564-4533 PIANO Wurlltzer Spinet, good COn0.B0UBUJ63-4763 PIANO Wurlltzer Spinet. Mahog. r-ast Action.
buu. 333-U3B? PIANO, Ellsworth Upright Grand, 5330.366-B1B7 eves. PIANO upright, beautiful walnut. just tuned. 513UUOQ, jn-ua.
PIANO 7' Too quality. Blk lac- quer.LiKenuwuuooz84-z6u PIANO: Best you can buy for iurt, 7 Tt Baldwin ar. ezb-iiij PIANO Steinway 6' Grand, 1911, mOOei A PICCOLO, Wood, Sealos, good COnd, 51000, 333-3540 PICCOLO, Gemeinhardt, nr new, exc cond. $275. 376-5565 RENT-A-GRAND Special this week.
FREE delivery. 776-1116 RHODES 73 piano $300bo. Mor- ley pro-pnasor 73oo. 233-nut RHODES '77 Electric Piano. Mint.
All accessories. $600. 334-3049 RICKENBACKER '67 360. exc. COnd.
$650 BO. 406-429-5624 ROLAND O-50, unused, In box. wstano. i3uutirm. 386-6319 STEINWAV Grand 57, Mah $9900 New Brands 55900 up.
583-8071 STEINWAY. Baby Grand, exc COnO.76UU,3B7-Z43b STEINWAY 6' GRAND, LIKE NEW. 456-76ZZ STEINWAY 1923 Baby Grand. txc. STEINWAY 1096 upright 84 mdl, USeO 1 yr.
tXCI. 43UU b64-4BB6 TAMA Swing 5 Pee. Plus Hdwr. Gd. COnO.
6400BO, 661-3632 TENOR SAX, Paris model, exc. cond. $1450. 492-8192 YAHAMA Upright. Ebony.
Good COnO. K3J3. YAMAHA grand. Satin Ebo- ny, exc cono. S3Z3U.433-1U31.
YAMAHA MT1X 4 track cass. Mint cond. $400 BO. 647-6149 YAMAHA CP70B electric grand r. 824-1650 Steve 570 PHOTOGRAPHY COM'L Studio, Rent.
Best rates, worm renin, wn equip. 34b-bub MARIN PHOTO-NOVATO NIKON FOR PROS-IN STOCK! FM2 Blk, 16, 24, 35, 80-200, 55 ziiu Micros, lnutu. WUEO. MD12. GOLD HASS.
500CM, S34, LtlCA K4S -f- 3W-Z 1U, BHUNICAcT KSset 11U93. MARIN PHOTO 415-698-3456 HASSELBLAD Outfit WANTED. Must be clean. Will pay cash S33UU max. BlB-B43-4b67 NIKON lens, 300mm, 4.5 EDIF suu.
iBumm z.b edif ym. lU3mm, l.B J3U. 36-6WZ USED cameras for sale. All for mats. Fa or ces.
Ado oh Gas- WANTEDUsed cameras lenses. we ouy traoe. uooo prices. AG, INC. 415-495-3852751-0145 BESSELER enlarger compl.
BB.W Set up. 33Q Bbl-7Z41 DURST 138 5x7 enlrgr $7000. 5x7 field camera W3. 408-Z38-4707 GRAFLEX 135 syn. sync, flash.
5 noioers. sp. 4. 43u 71-iubz HASSrinelieht flash wired for Norman Mint. 3U0, 413-651-7566 LEICA M6, Sum! 35 Elmar 90 lens, case.
z3uu. tw-naa msg MjQhrfu Dlal tRrtrt 707-963-0387. NIKDMAT, Nlkkor lenses 80-200, 33, zsmm. 5630. 36-5363 NIKON 35-200 zoom, exc.
cond. OLYMPUS OM1 F1.4 lens. Excel- lent. $ZZ5. After 6, 693-Z9Z5 PENTAX Used very iittie, WANTED Cameras Lenses.
Instant cash 575 PETS. SUPPLIES SERVICES ABYSSINIAN kits adults, ruddy oiue, pet oreeo quality. S.lUU-SfaUU, 886-1984 AFGHAN Pups. AKC, ill colors. 6100-6400, 916-678-1Z4 AFGHAN, sweet, mellow pure- oreo m.
r-awn coior. a yrs. nse- oroken. Info. 567-0316 AIREDALE AKC pups-Ch sireCh Oam.
4U0. 413-JJZ-3J AIREDALE AKC pups-Ch sire. anots. i3u-43u. zuy-ta-zi4j 9 oem sottware.
uu tsj-nu AT compat. 12 MHz, 0 wait ems, jizk, mono. syst. rnot COMMODORE 64, disk dr, matrix prntr, wooo caoinei, twivei chair. $400; Beit offer, 673-6176 COMPAQ PORT.
1Am- a AtmU uu, Mnri uu-. wv uin, ranty. iiZ9, iti-imi IPSON QX-16, dual floppy, S12K, monitor gno souwaie. awu. iu-irn FX 15 ribbons for Diablo printers, I $2 50 ea.
626-1147 1 inu ar in uu in ua un IBM comp. 20HD w123, DB3, page maker, venture tt more. iwooen. txiuu. eo j-p-rje I PC 640K, dual floppy, mono.
monitor, ia, poarociocK. IBM PS 2 Mod. 50, 14" color VGA psz mouse, uus j.ju, super puyAtzuu SOL Dill IBM (real thing) dltk, floppy. nr laser jet prntr, xuu programs, jwu, i jz-uiza IBM XT, nearly new, dbl disk drive, 640K. As new Toshiba printer.
$160000563-3644 IBM XT, 20 meg HD, 640K, color KfA lta Ml enfluje.ai llnA K-Vjrn. luta acir ittoi na ariDuu. 368-3927eveswkndt IBM XT Comp. 640K, MB, 20MB, nrd disk 360K, floppy, monitor in systems snopztj-ww MAC 20 mb ext. HD.
$495; Full mu warr. IBM XTAT comot. $3955795. COmpl. Syt.
776-1520 MAC 512K. Excellent condition. warranty. Lots of software. 1750 Call lbs at 392-3933.
MAC Ham. MMB scat, modem, systemsaver more.wrnty.6Zioo.3ZZ-33i7 466-6766 TRADE, KAVO Fiboptic HP set, wrnty C64 buzkift um too for MAC Plus, 739-7235 aft. 6pm WANTEDI Used laser prtr. Also used canon personal copier. JUHN: 413 4B3-344U CASH FOR COMPUTERS Buy, tell, trade.
968-6111 APPLE He, DD, 2 sftwr, uume prntr, 13UU, soio APPLE IW2 Printer, $325. theetfdr $150. 658-9543 APPLE HE 512K with monitor printer. 660Q. 654-5463 APPLE He Ext.
drive, color mon, prntr, software $600. 345-2016 ATARI 1040ST FM, joystick 1. software 600. 977-3046 ATARI 1040ST, modem. 2 prtr, sof 930-6692 COM 64 Color, D.D., Gemini, printer, 5W.
$475. 641-1296 COM. 64 color monitor, disc dr, software, $375. 364-3647 COMPACT Portable 640K 20 mb. harddlsk.
New $1079 243-9097 COMPACT 386 Portable 40 mb. New! $3379 243-9097 COMPACT 286 Portable 20 mb. New! $1579 243-9097 COMPAO. port. Ill, 40MB, xtras.mint! 53290.
546-0886 COMPAQ Port. 1, 640K, 20MB dr, i tioppy, 1UUU. 30-86 DIABLO auto 2-bin sheet feeder for 630, Mint. $250. 487-6148 DIABLO printer, letter quality.
Mini COnO. K73. 4B7-SH0 DIGITAL Decmate III word proc. wprntr. $1650.
5am, 467-2750 IBM AT compat! 12MHz 512K, l.ZMB OP, warr. 6940. B43-1Z67 IBM AT Comp 512K. 20meg hd, 1 tioppy od. warr.
10Z3. ai-ziit IBM compat. new XT $510, AT 6870. 1 yr warr. 363-1602 IBM PC JR.
Basic, Manuals, 640K, 63QU 763-4246 IBM PS2 model 50, color mon. Nvr. used. $2495. 666-5752 msg.
IBM XT Compat. 2 drvs, amber monitor keybrd. $495. 664-0539 IBM XT Comp. 640K, MB, 2 floppy 6499.
Systems Shop Z43-9U3 1 IMBPC Jr 640K 2DD color moni- tor printer mod $800. 666-1569 MAC 512. 2nd disk dr, softwr. HOP, MAC 512 system, ext. drive, printer, sw, 6i400otr.548-7904 MAC 512.
New 800K 2nd drive, prntr, soft. $1450 BO. 431-9355 MAC 512E -HOOK external drive, sortware.iiuuoo. 31-zuzb MAC IBM clone, 512K, 2 DD, clr. MAC II ext.
keybrd. Mono, moni tor. In Box, $3500. 548-9811 MAC SE 20MB HD, Excel, Word. Lots more SW $2495.
929-9132 MAC SE 20 Meg. Int. hrd disk. Some software. $2395.
NEC Laptop, Lapllnk lots soft- warenzoo. 930-B69Z NEC printer, 55 cps, letter quali- ty, gooo cono. 5400. inz-bna WANTED: IBM Computers AT A I 6Z6-6647, Mr BieSSMg. 565 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HAMMOND B-3! Organ with Leslie speakers.
Unbelievable shape. 1 owner. Only $4395. Will finance. CARNES PIANOS ORGANS 2951 El Camino Real Palo Alto 415-328-3283 STEINWAY Studio Professional Piano.
Superb shape, 1 owner. $7595. Will finance. CARNES PIANOS ORGANS 2951 El Camino Real Palo Alto 415- 328-3283 PIANOS NEW USED WE HAVE IT From Stelnways Down Bay Area's Largest Piano Display Convenient Financing We Buy Used Pianos SHERMAN CLAY Since 1870 Kearny 4 Sutter 781-6000 apple red, 5400 bo. Kramer Bass.
Staeemaster Imperial. top-oHfne, J600BO, Kelly all tube amp, 6030W, dual channel WpwrSOak, bUUBJ.3B3-73flZ OBERHEIM 068 synth. Midi Capable wcase $1450; Mini Moog synth wcase. $350; Roland 505 drum mach. $225; TEAC 144 porta studio $300.
885-0576 DAIKCB tMnreJIW tllK tit.ilrt rvnsn fiiV v- win, D-50, 12 strg.54Z5. ovation oien r.mnKaii i co tAhn Kanrtat I with cases exc. cono. 413-zo-izju WORLD'S FINEST PIANOS Bechsleln-Kawal-Scfiimmel RENTALS AVAILABLE R.KASSMAN 425HayesGough 626-8444 AKAI MG1214, 12 track recorder, 2 mo. old, used In studio only.
Must sen. Best orrer. 209-529-8832 or (209)526-5778. G.K. 4-10 CAB.
$250: Atari 1040 comp wmid( seq. prgm, $675; Roland D-50 synth, $1490. Red- wooncity: 3yz-yj37 vim RICKENBACKER bass, $795. Iba- nez rack eitects. jjijii, Alvarez guitar, 51Z5.
Roianaamp, 598. YAMAHA PIANOS Best Terms! Lareest Selection! G.LEUENBERGER CO. 543-1888 AKAI 12 track rackmount re corder wauto locator. Mint, warr. 53500 BO.
707-Z33-01Z9 BALDIWN Piano. Studio, Black lacquer nnisn. Asking 5150. 285-8979 I i I BOB IWI, VWn. DM, UfMHI lion bone, OFA $500.
417-3621 AKITA small litter huge 9 wk ti3u.zoy-z!H-7yaTtertpm AMERICAN ESKIMO PUPS, UKC. AQUARIUM SO gal. wwooden liana, inters, neater, air pump, Incl. tropical fish $200. 861-1196 BASENJI.
AKC. Red white, 10 weeks. $Z50ea. 41 5- 697-azoe Shbti. $200 26V46M5.6 BEAGLE Pups, AKC, avail, 420, iiauea.
ru7-4e-trji BICHON FRISE. AKC, I wkl old. see oarents. ijmj. Dew claws.
Darling Pupsl 916-367-3667 BICHON FRISE AKC. 6 Mos. Old. BIRD Conure with cage, time. sjuurirm.zzi-zptj BIRO: Hyacinth Macaw.
8 yr old maie. tame. iiu.uworTer.uaii -5, Mon-Frl or appt. Z54-2Z91 BIRD SUN CONURE, 6mos. Hand- raised.
$550 wcagg. 922-9551 BIRDS 16 off on GREEN birds! usa Lareest selection of Baby Greycheekt, Amazons, cockatoos, wacaws, ureys. Buv Sell Trade Rare Bi rdsl World of Birds 707-996-1477 BIRDS: IF. Blue Front 6400. Ylw Nape, pair $2000, Sun Conure 6700.
COCkatellS. 707-ZJ-Z305 BIRDS, Lovebirds, red beaked, pair, hu. yie-MJ-B3j BIRDS OSTRICHES, rednecks. pairs, trios, quaos, I9B7 s. ostriches provide the greatest re-1 turn per i invested known.
Guam. Will deliver. 503-567-1 165, 567-5g72 BIRDS, PEACOCK. Males. $20.
canz6-37Beves BIRDS Sun Conures or. hand raised, tame, 1 yr old, cage Stan0.BUU0.0.J41-W63 BIROS Talkers, African grey 33ud.u, oiue rroni Amazon. BLOODHOUNO AKC pups-7wkt. Shots. 4QO.
Z09-B68-34Z6 BORDER COLLIESheoherd- Dear calm mid-aged neut M. Owner transferred. 'Lucky' $35. St Francis 435-2097, 388-7843 BOSTON Terrler-AKC pretty pups; anots. ou.
413-734-4473 BOSTON Terrler-AKC pups. Exc. markings! 6375 Z09-5Z3-3361 BRITTANY pups, dual champ lines, exc hunters. Have both parents. $250.
707-746-1536 BULLMASTIFF AKC, 5 months, wonoerrui personality neeos loving nappy noma. ret 4UU. ZW6JZ-BZ48 atief 4pm BURMESE klttens-CFA sables! 5hOtS. $200. 707-694-3526 BURMESE klts-platinumcham- pagne.
Juu-SJ3U9jy-tJZ4 CAIRN TERR-AKC pups. Darling II I TOtOS J73-4Z. 73i)-6B60 CATS. Beaut. 9 mo.
old cats. spayedneut. Gd Indoor pelt. zu, Freeoenv.iziw) wi-uiza. ZW- M4F 2 Pure black wgreen eyes.
$25 1 0 gooonome only, aza-zuij CHESAPEAKE AKC pups-Field cn lines, snots. $zoo. 783-5666 CHESAPEAKE AKC pups-FCh Ines. SOLD CHIHUAHUA Teacup Applehead. akc 4 mo.
maie, oiktan. 637500. Z09-667-OZ49 aft 5pm CHIHUAHUA AKC smth longct MPUPS-513U ZU-46-433 CHINESE Shar Pel BUQOna PUPS AOUItS. 3W-3634 CHOW, 3 l2mo. male.
Shots training, tzoo. 863-0533 s.f. CHOW 9mo blk lovable neut $75 Chow Rescue 408-227-0624 COCKATOO. Exceptional hand- raiseo triton suionur crested. mo.
old. A real charmer, talk- ing. $1800. PUSS (408) 255-4260 mr.KED AKT nnnJac.GlluAro putts 6, iignt reos. azuu-z3 707-252-3121 707-255-5177 COCKER AKC Easter pups! Buff red, szou.
zuim J4-U6U1 COCKER AKC pups-Black buff. cn lines. 5Z3u-juu. 321-1147 COCKER AKC PUPS-Ch. lines.
Colors! 754-0625 COCKER Dolan. Blk male 3 yrs oio, nemereo, 13U. 4ji-B63 COCKER PUPS. AKC, Buff Champagne, nsoea. 263-7368 COCKER Spaniels, AKC, born 2-12-88, light Puff, Oreo lor beauty show.
$250. $50 will 50L0 FAST IN CLASSIFIED! COCKER Spaniel 2yr buff AKC. 3.i to loving nome aum COCKER SPANIEL AKC PUP $175 359-5397 COLLIE PUPS, AKC, 6wks, Ch sirea, snots, Z3U, ea. 34Z-413Z COON Hound, red bone, UK reg. 9 mo.
$100 00. 824-3064. OACHSHUNO AKC std longhair. Biktan nmo male, $175; 6mo. tem.
5Z00.Z09-68b-Z7BB OACHSHUND Mini AKC, short- hair, sweet, $350. 469-6843 DALMATIAN papers, yrt. 1U. DALMATIAN AKC ouos-Ch sire. 513-6430.
413-Z34-7374 DALMATION Pups, AKC. Shots. 5JPU-M00. (zo) zaa-iaia DINGO 23. Sheo.
1 3 duos $50. 8. F. Good watchdogs 439-8604 OOBE AKC PUDS-Colors! Ch lines $300-6500. 707-869-2534 DOBE pup 4 mos.
AKC, biktan F. i aii ears done, gooo oiooo line. 4UU, 7U7-3B4-UbUeveS DOBERMAN Biktan mid-age cropped m. josn- is a super ENGL Setter-AKC Llewellin field pups aoit. 6Z00-5350 634-4541 ENGLISH BulldOK.
Duo. AKC. snow cnamp tines, aiiuu. ENGLISH Bulldog pups, AKC. 63U-flUU.
Keno, 7UZ-BZ3-OZZ3 ENGL BULLDOG-AKC 14mo M. Fawnwht. ENGL Springer-AKCpupsChsIre LtT PVY! 13UU 7U7-BB4-47ZZ ENGLISH Springer Span Pups BiKwnite, Liverwte, 5130, EXOTIC Shorthalrs, CFA (Per sian look wpiusn short-med. COaiS). KOU-HUU.
D16-6BZ-BZ7!) FOX TERRIER, Wirehalr-AKC 7WKpups. 6325. 209-838-2665 FOX TERRIER, Wlrehair-Darllng Spyo 3U. 3ZJ-17 1U, Vil'Vit FOX Terrier wire hair 15 wks, AKC, Shots. $200.
916-443-6593 GERMAN SHEP. Nds good home. Beaut, long naira. 3 vr oia AKC. Very affectionate.
Nds at tention TLC 623. 572-0157 eves RtBUAIICLICD OiaDaha miw M. Neut. 5 iz yrs, wen trained 1 to gooo nome. can 6B1-4Z3.
GERMAN SHEPHERD-AKCOFA pups. Black, black tan. imported, SchH titled. Breed sur- veyed. GERMAN Shep AKC, 1 yr, exc temp.
uneo. train, xray nips, acn in, ruu. U-33-0 u. 1 GERMAN Shep pups AKC, champ, lines, z-6-lOmos. $325- 5400.
734-Z04; 57-ZZ7 GERMAN Shep, blk gold. AKC, cnampion u. zz3. sm-uopu GERMAN Shepherd-AKC trained adUltS. 5400-56UU, ZZ3-1J13 GERMAN Shrthr Pointer Rescue.
Neut Spyd, shots. $65 493-Z555 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups, sire cnampwestmounts rtanayman of Kazak line. Dam champ Matt Dillon line. Males $450. Females $400.
Grass valley, 916-Z73-5B81 GOLDEN Retrlever-AKC lvr M. Obedience trained, cnamp. lines. 6Z30, 8UO-438-3638. GOLDEN RET-AKC MF puppies.
aPOtS. J.3U.U-4qg-74ZO GOLDEN Ret-AKC orphan pups. J3.MOaestOluy-37-4,i37 GOLDEN RETRIEVER. AKC. 4 F4 M.
V3Uea. 3 WKS. GOLDEN Ret. pups AKCOFA. I0pllnes.300.86-684B GOLDEN RET.
pups. AKC. see ootnparentsZ3U.6J-J3i AO.H Hol406-646-9593eves ARMOtRE SALE SF Ant, 100 Clipper, 647-2030 ARMOIRES 1. WARDROBES Are my specialty, 415-651-9123 BARLEY twist chairs, con lamp tapiesnuu. jsy-aut BATHTUB Claw-foot.
Gd cond. NO fixtures. $Z00; 916-431-9606 BIO, Maple mid-1100't, 4 poster qoi. saw. ZBJ-Z1V; WCVM CLOCK Collection Amer.
(. Euro- PALI ETCHINGS 73, Good prices. Dealer, 6J6-U67Z message DALI, Espana 1st edition, Japon $7500. 586-4300, Mr. carter DESK Table Chinese, ornate carvings, sizweacn, azj-viie EARLY Vict, sofa.
eleg. lines. Exc.cono.$izuoBO, 76-OB68 ERTI, YAMAGATAS BuySell, 3U160tT gauery, 3-B3i aean ERTES, private collection, 6IZUQ-113UU. 7U7-7W-U4eveS EUROPEAN 19C desk, table ar- moire, chest, bkcase. 9ZZ-B jb FRENCH 19th c.
Vasselier (2900. Fr. Arm chair 6Q0, 3Z9-U8W FRENCH end tables wgalleriet, (ratin.i),H7apr,j4i:-t circa 1810. ICARTE "Coursing II' original etching, new, sold. MAXFIELD Parrlsh Prints.
Early 1901) S-JO S. SB5-H75, SZZ-1BZ3 NAGEL CN-1, Cat student must Sell, $9000,0, HICK 548-4744 NAGEL CN7 CN8 matted I framed. $650ea. 805-773-5157 NAGEL Cleo, Feated Man. Mint cono.
Hoop eacn oo. mi-nie NEMAN'S 50 off gallery. Buysen xwbjbb in. NEMAN 'Buena Vista Bar' $3i00BO. 714-451-5743 UICUIU WIW mar niEMnn auin, rtr.
framed. $2200bO. 916-677-495 DALI $450. 707-422-3032 OTSUKA'S- "The Kiss" $1975. Alvar 6850; 707-4ZZ-303Z OTSUKA 'LADY MIEKO SPRING' S16-44Z-5W OTSUKA 'Lady Miekoof Spring'.
5N. framed, tzfluo.am-iaw PERSIAN RUGS Prlv. collection. Call Fran for appt. 586-6100 SASSONE original oil.
'Buroni' spectacuiariH9K. 831-9606 SCHOENHUTS CIRCUS 1920's, tent -t-figures, 610K.75Z-36J7 SIDEBOARD -1890's Oak wbev- eied mirror. $600. 349-5165 1920 SOFA SET. 3 PC.
round mo- nair. auu eves zup-szi-ueza SOFA Victorian, velvet, excel- lent condition. $1700. 523-9126 VASARELY; sculpture, Gestelt C. 6ZU00.
566-4300, Mr, car ter WINE PRESS, antique. 1 Ton. Exclnt cond. $1200. 666-1202 ZJAWINSKAS- CHEAP! 2 avl, 6i3UUeanegoi.az9-9i 521 ANTIQUES-ART WANTED TERRY buys old furn, lamps, misc.
Friendly a. tair 759-7849 OLD CALIF. PAINTINGS Pvt. party pays cash. 771-6060 OLD ORIENTAL RUGS TOP CASH PAID.
641-2891 OLD PAINTINGS FRAMES AND SCULPTURE. 415-685-2313 IRISH prints, by well known artist. $250. 435-3266 SERIGRAPH, orig. by Ellenshaw, trmo.
1Z50. 4J5-3Z86 TIFFANY WINDOWS WANTED Mon-Frl 9-5. 621-3456 TRAVEL POSTERS, 1925-40't, lrg. COIiec. 63375, 707-542-4292 WILLARD NASH Oils, llthos, etc.
iojzuu.j-yziy 530 COLLECTIBLES BORROW ON COLLECTIBLES $500 $50.000. 4 MOS. TO PAY ART-ANTIQ-BASEBALL CAROS 413-647-5001 MAUSER BROOMHANDLE RED 9 1914 shoulder stock S. holster. aii numbers matcn.
Excellent condition. 62,000. 775-6600 PINBALL Machine Evil Knievet suo. Toy train set -Marklin. ateei cars 5300 341-0358 COCA Cola pre classic can.
sealed. $lKbo 707-428-0514 COINS U.S. Peace dollars, all 531 COLLECTIBLES WANTED COIN COLLECTIONS WANTED JEWELRY WANTED TOPCASH PAID. 408-736-6803 WANTED 8x10 picture "Captain aacto or narry Martin. POSTAGE stamocover callAr, tionspay top cash 415-331-7399 WANTED FillmoreAvalon post ers, cards.
610-650. 863-4641 535 HOME FURNISHINGS BDRM St. PecanAsh Burl Thomasvllleperf con. Drsr mlr. 76" tall Dr chest, 2 nt stn.
rtl inn now HM3ZJJ-6787 BORM. set, colonial. Exc. cond. un.
size oeo, 5700. 823-9560 BED, chiropractic matt, dbl size wtrame, good cond. $150bo. Must sell! 526-2734 BED king sz. mattbox sprng.
name. 3. mc-uii Hooerta BED an sz olatform. 14" futon matcning nt 101, almost new, win sep. Kau set.
BZi-trr 36 BED, Qu, wframe, $200 bO; sol- 10 wooo expandable round din. taoie wi a cnairs, $350bo. BOTH 1 MO.OLD,66-73ll msg BED Queen, 2dr platform mauress.wuul)U.6Zl-ZlZ Mb iy. wan tvruvi. oea.
3u. 1 enim 19" color wremoteii30. 53Z-U55 BEDRM Set. Qn solid oak, 6pcs, inu. iriuie oresser.
UX4U mir-ror, desk. Sacf $295. 582-5554 BEOROOM Set $300; SOfa $100; cnairs iuu; cnest 630; table BEDROOM Set (2) 5pc, burl trim moo. oak. veneer, cost szoou ea.
sac. 6B95ea. 567-7676 BEDROOM SET double, 5 pc, early American, $375. 342-6934 BEDROOM Set, Circa 1935. 4 pc.
SbUUoest Otr. 753-3644 BEDS BEDS BEDS 1104 Van Ness 3809 Geary Blvd. St, San Rafael 441-5024 668-3311 456-6444 BIROSEYE Maple tbl w6 chrs, 2 leaves, sm. hutch $800. 824-0960 BOOKCASE antique, English chest, fine tablet, armchairs.
oesk, secreter, loveseat, lamps, paintings, mirrors. 346-6344. SprgsMatt, twins, ad cond. BUFFET English Baney twist oak taoie 4 cnairs, V3t) go, i4-6u3 BUNKBEOS. Excellent cond.
eves. BUTHER Block Table. Exc cond. 44Lx25Wx36H. $150.
930-6806 CHAIR I ottoman Ithr. back. Mobllle sale price $726, like new. $525. 522-4746 COUCH Loveteat wEnd Ta ble Tea Table $650.
Dinette Set $100. Bedroom Set w2 win neos suu. can azi-pgua COUCH 6. 2 arm chain, seml- entiq. piusn brocaded upnoif.
AII3for $225. 661-3514 COUCHES, chain, end tables, wan unit, washer dryer. $1200all or by piece. 566-7171 AC, AIR JVC BIG 5 cusn, yr oio. zB3-y336 DINING Rm Set rosewood in laid mother ot pearl other items.
YiivsiB.Qbti-im DININS RM set. tbl, chrs, china cab, tea carl, DINING Table butcher block cnrs.it, oak, vu.36-43U ENTERTAINMENT Center, Ige. oak, id mot. oio, iwutt see. $275Oft, 342-4645 LAMP Polynesian Cork.
Shade 19' easezj J3. aa-iez LIVING RM. SET. Oriental. BlackBeige, sotas, coffee tapies, i MATTRESS SAVINGS: Simmons or Sealy with slight flaWS NATIONAL MA I 1 KtaS 15430 Hesoerian vq SanLaandro 481-1623 MATTRESS SALE Best quality beds at 50-70 Of" mrr.
lilt prices, ieary Biva, ar- at apruce. sa-pjbj OAK Furniture: 6 pee. BR set Incl. pier Group wnooro, oresser mirror. J900; Wet Bar whigh Ithr.
par chairs $300; 595-1Z71 OAK Trim Sofa, $50. Coffe tbl 525 OFFICE DESK. Large 6 drawer, eenuine wa nut matcning paooeocnair, sjzjorr j33-eayt ROLL TOP DESK, 1150BO; De- nener John cnariet coucn a. arm chair, white, Japanese print, 6700BO.JBj-wi RUGS. Karlttan.
Import, orient. design wool: bxu-iz, saimon biuturq 400; sxiu-iz, creamburgblu $250 626-7494 RUGS: Solid Gold 12x15, $300: Solid beige, sxiz, tzoo. vu cond, wpads, prof, cleaned. MndtlOO PM6Jl-355Larrv RUGS Unclaimed 9x12 Supreme Rug Clnrs 2931 Geary RYA rug, 9X12, $50, 2 bar stools 6100. brwn Ithr hi'da-bed $500.
amiBh Biianiivii. jjv icecream macn, aiuu. jntztu SOFA 10' $600. Stiffel lamp, $200. Antique rocker sioe cnair $300pair.
Bentwood 51 chairs, hdbddesk $175, 589-3666 SOFA. 7 pc, segmented, majestic green, veiour, L- snapeq. kike new. $500ofr. 343-2249 SOFA Beige, -snaps, Contemp.
iOOOCOnd, J17U.SOIQ SOFA, CHAIR, green frieze, good cono.j3uoro.o.wi4-uuB SOFA French Prov. light Blue, witn2 cnair, iJio. oriental Rugs (4) 9X12, $400. Sterling KICK KriaCkS. 3B-J7Z SOFA, LOVESEAT wMATCH- $1295.
Sacrifice! $395. 727-4370 SOFA, Loveseat, matching chair modern, GrayBlue design, lyr. old. Exc cond $765. 752-6996 ev SOFA 4.
Love Seat. $600: Wa- terbed. $800: 365-5705 SOFABED $1000: QA burlwood desk 6950: entry Fr. desk 450; Oriental cpt. $90: Span, style chest $350; TV stand $60: maple Stand $100; 359-8204 SOFABED Arm chair.
Queen, beige, good cond. $200otr. TABLES. Chrome glass coffee anoeno. 6upairotr.
9Z1-OZ9J SOFABED, queensize, like new, Sjauor oest otter. izi-34 SOFABED, Queen, Tan, $200 exc cono. 65B-94J6. oays. SOFABED, Queen size.
Perfect COnd. $649. 345-6707 SOFABED, 6'. Beige tweed. Sc4-id.
Exc. cond. $250. 334-3049 TABLE Wamboltz 3 Leaf, Solid Oak. w6 eleg.
Hi back chairs $1300, 898-1842 WALL UNIT, 2 pet, woodglass; $600. 36" glass top tbl; $95. Small white cabinet; $85 540 HOME APPLIANCES DSHWSHRS, DRYERS, RE-FRIGS, WSHRS. Guar. 566-2020 COND, WASHERS, DRYERS, KtFRIU, 5TOVE5.647-6Z6D DECO style Wedgewood stove Z3U, tun size westingnouse freezer $75, exc cond.
383-3072 FREEZER, Montgomery Ward. 16 CU. Tt. Uprignt. 1Z3, 6S9-6BB6 FRIG -Wash, dryer full apt.
sz. iuu-zuu guar, penv. bzi-zjib MICROWAVE Mid-size. Ken- 621-5212 REFRIG 2DR FROST FREE $140 FREEZER UPRT. $150.
WASH DRYER $150 ea. GUAR. 648-2836 REFRIGERATOR 19.1 Cu.ft. $100; sm. freezer $75.
Good cond. Kenmore s. cash. 724-4761 DCIBrflCllTflD VMr vvnue, 13U. viasneroryer, sea rs, go.
cono. 5123. Bzi-jjbu REFRIG. Whirlpool, icewater dispenser, warr. used 3 mos.
Homeremoo, 5950. 540-5Z71 REFRIGERATOR, GE, 14 cu ft, zor, uwe new, iiw, sum REFRIG. Hotpoint, brown. Like 344-7 7U1 imi Free. Good cond.
$150. 665-6646 REFRIG, Tappan Imperial Dlx, OOP STOVE, GAS, Large oven. Excl cono: B3. can eves: 3b-40z STOVE '20 O'Keefe M. $200, aearsapt wsnor 3wz8z-33 STOVES.
Westinihouse. Elec. ourner wr oven oroner, vs. Quantity prices avail. Bbj-nbu.
WASHER, elec dryer Kenmore sono state, f-o sibou exc cono. Ire. ceo. 6775: Microwave Ken more $275: antique oak display case wlight $95. Days WASHER Dryer, Kenmore elec.
Line new 3uuoo 3zz-3j msg WASHING MACH Whirlpool, V. WATER Heater 100 gal. Nvr used. warr. $695.
753-2134 545 VIDEO TELEVISION MITSUBISHI Stereo VCR. $400: sony ueta hi-fi, zz3; sony i-color TV. S125: Quasar VHS. $150, 14 day programmable; vna piayer, ii3. Mine B34-37za GXS-700, BR 6200 VCR, MZ230 mlc, Bogen 3065 tripod, battery belt, Cool Lux, access.
Inc. $2400bo697-1820 PROJECTORS, VIDEO. Color. All comm 1 auoitorium size, aii 1 for Some w. Dan Long 316-JB1-11Z1 SONY CAMCORDERS Sale $999.
CCDV9 Sue. $1600. Sale $1295. MELODY TV 2163 Polk. 474-6181 VIDEO Recorder.
CCD-V8AF. New51000, used once. so tripod $100 carry pack incl. 65000. Elaine, 534-63Z4 SCREEN TV, Gen.
Elect, oristine lizuunes. Dava: GREAT PYRENEES-AKC Pups Beaut, parents x-rayed normal. 43U. l-5i6-346-ZUl LASER DISC Plaver. Svlvanla VP7ZOO, 5Z15.
TtAC LV100D with warranty, $265. 346-5799 MITSUBISHI VHS HI-FI MTS Ste reo Broadcast. Exc. cond. $395.
VISABMX OH. 633-8373 PANASONIC portable video cass. recorder VCR wwire-less remote. $600. 924-4304 SONY Betamovie BMC-110 compl.wlightlng,2chargers, bans, case.
$700 771-1062 TOSHIBA 13" color TV, CF307, vcr ready. 1 am upgrading. VIDEO AUDIO EQUIP. MaiOr brands, low prices. Fctry fresn.
800-345-3678T 707-795-9065 ADVENT Giant 6 Ft TV. Works good. 5800BO. 861-1964 6 1 (1) (2) PC mown locally, a43uu, wyiau TRAILER, Stock-77 $2600bo. new tires go cono.
aai-w ja FRANKLIN custom post horn suck tork euckaroo taodie. 1200 415-752-1356, tpm-lOpm HORSE HUNT 00-342-4B66 HORSES stalled orofemonallv. lopiocaittiuiity, zt-juut 585 PRINTING EQUIPMENT NUARC Platemakers (2). 30x40. puise zenon nonstop, sibuu, caroon, ssuu; Iyer, sbuui jog- Bdr CCnn.
DMT wnnHU, IB" i3U.FOIOer.7U-743-14U6 FOR SALE 2 davldson 701P, 1 roii converter, enter is, muiu 1B3U, iz3u, T-Heao, urainei- 1a collator, a. more, B43-6456 COPIER CANON NP115. Excel- lent cono. 6675. 490-1160 TYPESETTING Mach.
6. Proces sor, 68 fOhtt 53K. 433-1619 590 FLYING AIRLINE Com. Pilot Tralnlna Pvt. to ATPJet Trans.
IASCO CA Toll Free 600-674-6995 PRIVATE Ground School $125 starts March 17. private pkg, auzu. aero wcaoemy BB7-waz HANGARS FOR RENT OAKLAND 800-421-1472 605 JOBS WANTED ACCTNT Tax Prep. A. 10 yrs exp, ft pt, 845-1749 ACCOUNTANT Crtfd.
tax work- F5. FUII, temp, msg. 563-4794 AU PAIR Swedish yg man (24) 8KB WOT. tiO tngnsn. J8f-336B BKKPR, full charge.
10yrs. ex perience, perm, t. 71-1638 CHANGING CAREERS. want to ioin vour team. Back ground; Premier strategy con sulting firm.
Analysed ISO's of companies, stanroro mba. En gineeringIBM. Nat'llnt'l exp. I run up escalators. 4i3-6Z7-ioaz EXEC Legal Secty sks change to peopie-oneniea oppiy.
ureat skills personality. Walnut creek area prer q. i jy-auzu GARDENER Caretaker avail, to protect develop Your sono- ma co. prop, ftiian, 07-3Z8-4377 TYPING Legal, gen ofc, notary. rreas.
rates. rieK up oenv. avail. 285-7766; or 466-4566 WORDPROCESSOR ft. word- perfect, Wordstar 928-4692, Roy 610 DOMESTIC JOBS WANTED AIDE, HOME NURSEi In-home care of nf ant to elders.
Mature. exp'd, gentle female, live-in. AU PAIR. Swiss female. Avail.
51. Mature, serious, Danielle Gaun, College of Notredame 4333, 1500 Rolston Ave Belmont CA 94002. 415-593-9415 8-9pm AU-PAIR Germ. F. weil-educ.
Exprefs.Barbara383-3571days AU PAIR. French MBA student seeks family 771-0446 ev BABYSITTER. Pac. Hts. for 1 infant.
Expo. Rets. 921-8895 CHAUFFEUR yrs exp. mature wpers. security training ex-mil police, refs.
731-1845 CHEF. French. Seek iobas MAITRE D' hotel or party orga nizing, fuii time or part time. 3J1-7ZZZ leave message CHILDCARE from Newborn to 6 ur nM a rates, ar zz-jzi CHILDCARE. Irish girl.
Live-out. 8am-5pm. 387-3Z6Z HOUSECLEANING Garden. Latin Amer refugees LLM 641-5356 HOUSECLEANING. Call us -we have references.
359-6656 HOUSEKEEPING. Ironing. Excel- lent rets. Phone 585-0904 HOUSEKEEPING. German, reli- able.
refs. SF only. 663-0776 HOUSEKEEPER, wash, exp. refs. works tast.
468-480 Eiizaoetn HOUSEKEEPING, thorough and reliable. Naomi 36-1123 HOUSEKEEPING.Exp.Refs. Call 775-6386 HOUSEPR or elderly care. Exp. Live-out.
SpkEngl spk. 775-67'49 HOUSESIT Cpl Clean, gard, drive, cook, iv in, rets. 733-bjh INFANT care In vour home. Haignt area. Expref s.
553-Z503 MAN 27 sks roomboard in exch. for lltedutles. 931-9165 msg. NURSE Aide sks. elderly care live-in Mann Co.
Eng.Portu- guese spkg. exp. Ret. 457-6141 NURSE seeks live-in PT SF posi tion exchange for rmbro ok reduced rent. 9Z3-138J Barp NURSE Lv-ln 25 yr.
Exp. home care. exc. net. car 323-319 705 CAREER AIDS STRESS ON THE JOB? HARASSED? OVERWORKED? DISCRIM'N? BURNOUT? SEXISM? INJURED? DEPRESSED' BACKACHE? I You may be entitled to workers' I compensation oenetns tner-aov for vour physical or men talemotional stress (whether or not you are still working), at no cost to you.
CALL M-im 'America's OldestLargest' Professional Resume Service RESUME $15 s. UP to Exec, presentations. 870MARKET 788-4140 SOUTH S.F 583-9022 HAYWARD 471-7011 REDWOOD CITY 361-6120 PALO ALTO 494-2229 CAREER RESUMES $9UP SAME DAY SERVICE MCV sa-Free nterv ew AMERICAN RESUME SERVICE 1005 MARKET SF 626-1811 CASTRO SF 626-2750 SANRAFAEL 459-2359 SAN MATEO 348-1126 BERKELEY 644-0597 FREMONT 657-3367 RESUMES Dependable Job Search Tools a local American writing affiliate for a free consultation. 1232MARKETM10 626-2817 GEARY 04 221-3008 1 AIRLINE POSITIONS Customer service reps, flight at- chanics i avionics. Entry level positions avanaoie.
uooo sala ries. Call JUJ-444-6663 XZZ AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight Mechanics Customer Service! st nes. Salaries to 550K. En- trv level notlllona Call ttuvtrrNMbNT juua.
ti6.U4u s.il.z.W'yr. now Hiring. Tour Area. 805-687-6000 Ext. R-6779 for current Federal list.
SPARE TIME INCOME. TV Com mercials. Many needed. Cast ing Information. (1) Huj-wrtuuutxt 1 y-aitw ON V.
Many needed for commercials, casting into. 805-687-6000 Ext. TV-8800. 4 i Monoiitn new design," ragon, SrtHtOUNLIMII tO Fairfield 707-422-3340 Concord 676-1990 THRESHOLD FCT one series II 1 preamp lu mo. oio, i yr warranty, new S2200asking $1250.
MAUNtPAn aMua speakeri. $125 DENON ITO 'tiH wniteoak, 7 ws tuner TEAC RR, A3440, 4 ch. simul- 1 proton 222 amp, $2Z5. 621-9756 KIMBER Kable 4TC Tel Ion sokr. wire, zoutt.
at mi z-iit. i biwlred cables wlthWBTofuKS zuu. MAGNAPAN SMGA $300. Mod Squad Line Drive pre-Amp sjou. ntal MinuetA cre-Amp.
3JU. 4UB-Z3J-C344 MODULUS 2B $450. Bryston 4B amp sflza. Magnum oaoy tuner 6300. Grace tone arm fr MC201 cart 3100, 663-Z564 PS AUDIO 200CX $1200.
PS 5 5 power sup J1ZO0, CD 1 A 6450. 4.5 6JZ5. sett ottera. All perfect. 932-8696 VANDERSTEEN 2C, Quicksilver Monos, saca tcsu, hk cit.
Tube ore tuner. IZ700 or perate. 209-226-4833 AV brass glass wall unit ml speaker stands Monster nar- DUAL 1219 Turntable. 6150BO; Akia reel to reel, auto reverse, $150: Mlke634-7Z) MCINTOSH 2155 mow, Take MR78 11495bast ofr. tuner In trade.
SOLD SOLD nuui 79S-5340 TASCAM 22-4 track, $500. Voice tiimmator vti, tjoo. pacnoay 32. 150. Call 641-0144 Tvnuiiir.ft ci c-inn.
cmm Vega amp 830-1067 THE BEST IN AUTO SOUNDS Audiomobile 340w. rack amp syt. inc. preamp $900. Dave 697-0345 AIWA CD, stereo, cass.
As new, in oox wwarr 4on. aza-aaue APOGEE Duetta II speakers. Mint. 6215000. Pn, 5J-SB5U tv S-30 2-way tpkrt.
Mint. zuu, new, now, aizu. 1 3a-et7t BEOINI 2525 class A amp $490; Stax Sigma $295 406-244-2666 ROSE 901 SPKR SYSTEM. SER. WALNUT FINISH.
50LDIII! COUNTERPOINT SA3 wfact. modlf. $608. Dave, 549-4949 EAGLE 7A. Power Amp.
$1500. Gerry 406-686-4637 KENWOOD Indash slidng dk w2 amps 6, eq. 6oooe, 461-3027 MARTIN LOGAN CLS $1750. GradoMCX $195, 799-3656 REVOX B226 CD Player wra- moteii3U.pave 3J7-i73 SNELL type wstands, still in OOX, asking 7Z5, 548-5662 SONY Compact Disc Player, nvr. used, $300.
552-3608 SONY Stereo, small wspeakers, $150offer. 366-6260 STAX ESLF81, worth $3995, sell $1650pair. 346-9651 TANDBERG stacked, 3001, 3002, 555 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT PANASONIC Business Tele phone System. 4-line cap. 4LCD spkr fones moh.
Install avail. $600. 591-2620 PHONE SYSTEM PARTS retail 6ZUOU, sen iizou. Call 1-600-322-2225 PAC TEL Series 500 phone sys tem, at pnones, only lyr 01a. Excellent cond.
$20K. 454-2030 PORTABLE CELLULAR PHONE, Motorolla T-3 Cost $1550, sell 6695. 6 mo. OIO. 415-491-0625; CELLULAR PHONES from $399 upinstaneo.
fci. ju-3j PHONE System. $650. Wrnty. Alex.661-1145 PORTABLE cellular Mitsubishi $950-car ph.
$450 Firm 731-0607 PORTABLE 1 pc. unit ceiluar phone. 560 PERSONAL COMPUTERS TANDY 3000HD: AT compat (ZB6i, 4umd, 64ur nam, nercu-les EGA card, high resolution amber mon, Mouse Systems Mouse, Smart Modem 1200, Ep son LQluoo IZ4 pin dot matrix), sortwarei mu i ivh i tui nuu. MAC SE. 20HB: extended keyboard, software.
LIKE NEW! $2400. Call Kate at 415 332-3105 MICROAGE DEMO SALE IBM PS2 MD80 40MB IBMPS2MD251FLMonO $945 LEDIFLMono $695 LEO220MBMono $1595 EPSON LX800 $185 HP Laser Jet Series 2 $1645 TOSHIBA 120020MB Lptp $2295 ZENITH 183 10MB Lptp $1995 Pleasanton Only 415-463-2263 IBM ATXT Hard disk 20mb rAi 1 a inn mh tr-Ai I XT new $499: Af new $799; Com pact 38b Desktop 40 6Z393: SYSTEMS SHOP LTD. 243-9097 CROMEMCO System III Comput er Equip. 2 CPUs, 1 12 mb RAM. 3 hard disks, 2-1" floppy drives, terminal, monitor, 10 mb cartridges, disks, extra memory boards, software.
Runs CROMIX, CPM COOS 51800BO. 453-8159 WE'VE EXPANDED Compaq 286, 386, IBM PS2 Everex and AST AT Clones Novell, HP, Toshiba, XT Clones FREE INSTALLATION FREE ON-SITE WRNTY REPAIR PRO'S 415-465-5700 AMIGA ATARI SALE Amiga 2000 $1499 Amiga 500 $599 Atari 1040ST $649 Software 1st S.Rafael 459-1475 DIABLO 630 API. sheet trctr. $575. Paradox 2.0, $300.
SYM- PMUniT, i3. UKIUAIA 5Z Or sz, 3 ea. HATts intrni lzuu, IBM AT, 90MB hrd disk, 2.5MB Ram, color monitor, 2 floppys, PC mouse, incl. 123. dBase.
multlmate Dose 3.3; also To- snioa printer, tjuuu, a-ju6 COMPUTER SHOW SUN. MAR. 20 10-4PM HAYWARD CENTENNIAL HALL 22292 Foothill Blvd IBM PCXT 640K, hard disk, graphics, new monitor, warranty. nyy. SYSTEMS SHOP LTD, 243-9097 AMIGA 2000.
like new (3mo. old). 2 drvs. NEC CP6 color printer. Sony color monitorTV.
Soft- ware. zbuu. 3a-uip4 ATTARI 600 XL 1050 DD, mod joy suck, toucn pao, printer caoie, TVMon, wsftwr, $275. Comp. desk whutch, $40.
821-9756 IBM XT Comp 640K, 20 meg HD, 360K floppy-monltor-keybd- $960 569-4547 MAC PLUS. 40 MEG HD Dr, Image II, 2400 Modem, all cables, free set-upconsulting. $1000's Software. S2900OBO.563-6496 MAC SE30MBHDtonsSWCALL APPLEIIGSSystem SPECIAL APPLEIIC640Korntr $975 APPLE HE syst. $795 349-3355 MODEM TEAM 2400.
Data Inter face: RS-232C. Still in box, never used. Compatible with IBM APPLE. $125. Bruce 526-0577 TANDY Model 100 port, 32K, cooks, naro case, print cable, AX.
direct connect software $330. 566-9462 I.